Parts 162 & 163

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*As Nat flies to the first location, Wanda and Loki come up to her.*
NR: How are we going to make sure she stays away from the fight?
WM: She just wants Sharon.
NR: And if she has armed guards?
LL: That's why we're here.
NR: Did either one of you think of what could happen?
WM: Believe it or not we talked about this before we agreed to it.
LL: The three of us take out her army...
WM: And then she takes out Sharon.
LL: With her powers, I am confident she could safely do it.
NR: She could take her out from across the room.
LL: Precisely.
NR: Which one of you came up with this plan? It couldn't have been her. She acts before she thinks.
Y/N: This time it was me. I've had weeks to think about this. It will work.
NR: I hope so. We're probably already on Steve's shit list for doing this.
Y/N: And dad's. And Tony's.
WM: You better be 100% sure you can do this.
LL: Because, for lack of a better term, all of our asses are on the line.
Y/N: I will take full blame should something go wrong. But it won't.
NR: We're coming up on the first location now.

SR: Your reckless daughter is pissing me off.
Bar: This time I'm going to have to agree with you.
SR: Bucky, think. Where would she go?
Bar: Where haven't we looked?
TS: I've managed to retrieve some of what she took with her. There's a short list of possibilities.
SR: We need to go through them fast.
TS: Barnes, which one of these stands out?
Bar: These two here.
TS: Here's what we're going to do. Rogers, you, Sam and Barnes go to this location.
Me, Barton and Thor will go here.
Ban: What about me?
TS: Stay here. She may try to contact us.
CB: What if she's not at either place?
TS: Then we regroup. Let's suit up.
*meanwhile with Y/N*
LL: Are you sure this is the place?
Y/N: There was no one at the other place. This is the only other option.
WM: So the three of us will go in first. Once it's clear, we'll call you in.
Y/N: As long as I get my chance with her.
LL: Why don't I go in and take a look?
Y/N: Be my guest.
*Loki teleports himself inside. After a few minutes, he returns.*
LL: She's in there with a small army.
Y/N: You guys go in and take care of her goons. Leave her to me.
LL: If anythin happens to you or your babies, we will feel responsible.
NR: Just stay here until we call you.

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