Part 228 & 229

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*A couple of days go by. Savannah is doing much better. You're in the kitchen making lunch when Bucky comes barging through the front door.*
Bar: Y/N?
Y/N: I'm in the kitchen.
*Bucky comes into the kitchen and you can tell by the look on his face that something's wrong.*
Y/N: What's wrong?
Bar: I need to get you to the compound.
Y/N: Why? What's going on?
Bar: Things took a turn for the worse.
Y/N: Dad, what happened?
Bar: Steve's missing.
*You can feel your heart drop in your chest.*
Y/N: What?
Bar: Get the kids ready and let's go.
*Bucky helps you get the kids dressed and packed into the car.*
Y/N: What do you know?
Bar: I don't have all the details. When the team got back, he wasn't on the jet.
Y/N: How did they not see he wasn't there?
Bar: Something went wrong and they had to get out.
Y/N: Uncle Tony is a dead man.
Bar: He's not the only one missing. They can't find Pietro either.
Y/N: This just gets better and better.
*You and Bucky pull up in front of the compound where Peter and Pepper are waiting for you.*
Par: I'm going to take them and get them lunch.
Pep: Everyone is waiting in the conference room.
Y/N: Thank you Peter. Alright, Pepper. Lead the way.
*You and Bucky walk in.*
TS: Before you say anything...
Y/N: Let me guess. You're sorry? Is that it? How in the hell do you forget two people?

TS: We were taking fire and had to get out.
Y/N: And left two people behind! Do you have any idea where they could be?
NR: Y/N, calm down and have a seat.
Y/N: Please don't tell me there's more.
*You sit down and look around the room and notice that others are not there as well.*
Y/N: I notice Bruce isn't here. Did you forget him too?
TS: He ran off. We're not sure where he went.
NR: I went to do that lullaby when someone fired at us. I got knocked out. When I came to, he was laying me down on the helicarrier. He jumped off and hasn't been seen since.
Y/N: Thor and Loki?
TS: They never showed up.
Y/N: Where's Wanda?
Bar: She got off the jet and ran straight to her room.
Y/N: Please tell me there's a plan.
NR: We're working on that now.

Hidden SecretsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz