Parts 178 & 179

625 17 1

Pep: Why couldn't you guys answer your phones?
Bar: Steve turned his phone off and I turned the volume down.
TO: I don't have a phone.
TS: I have no excuse.
Pep: Three grown ass idiots.
WM: She really needed him tonight.
NR: And you completely ghosted us.
Pep: I hope there's a good reason.
TS: You know Steve would never lash out like that.
Bar: We wanted to get to the root of the problem.
WM: And...?
TS: I'm not sure that's our place to say.
Pep: Tony...
Bar: Look, what it came down to in the end is that he worries too much.
TS: We talked him down and knocked some sense into him.
TO: They got your messages as we were leaving.
Bar: And we went straight to the hospital.
Pep: Well, I want to commend you for your intentions.
TS: Thank you very much.
Pep: But that doesn't mean you're off the hook.
TS: Why not?
Pep: You still should've answered your phone.

*the next morning*
Y/N: Steve?
SR: Hey there. How are you feeling?
Y/N: What are you doing here?
SR: We got the message last night and came straight here.
Y/N: At what point did you get them?
SR: What do you mean?
Y/N: I know for a fact they tried calling you for hours.
SR: I know. I turned my phone off.
Y/N: You were mad and didn't want to talk. I get it.
SR: Look, I said some awful things last night and I can't tell you how sorry I am.
Y/N: Do you remember saying 'I'm not going anywhere'? 'From now until forever'?
SR: I do remember saying that.
Y/N: You left. And when I needed you, you weren't there.
SR: I know. And I am so sorry. I overreacted.
*Just then there's a knock on the door.*
Dr: Good morning. How are you feeling?
Y/N: Much better.
Dr: Good. If you're feeling better, I'll get the papers together and have you home this afternoon.
Y/N: Thank you.
*The doctor leaves*
Y/N: I guess it's my turn.
SR: For what?
Y/N: To apologize. For what I did.
SR: You were mad. I understand that now.
Y/N: You're right though. What kind of parent would do what I did?
SR: You're going to be a great mom.
Y/N: I can't even take care of myself.
SR: That's why you have me.
Y/N: Are we going to be okay?
SR: We will be. Right now let's get you home.

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