Kidnapped! (Parts 32 & 33)

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Back at the compound, Nat notices you've been gone too long.
NR: Clint, have you seen Y/N?
CB: I thought she was at the store.
NR: She said she would be back in an hour. That was 3 hours ago.
CB: Mabe she got distracted. Call her.
NR: I tried. She's not answering.
CB: That's not like her.
NR: We need to find Tony.
Tony is in the workshop with Steve.
CB: Tony, Y/N's been gone for 3 hours and she's not answering her phone.
TS: Jarvis, can you track Y/N's phone?
J: Tracking her phone now sir.
TS: Where did she say she was going?
NR: Grocery shopping.
J; I'm sorry, sir. I am not able to pick up any signal on Miss Stark's phone.
TS: This can't be happening.
SR: What can't be happening?
NR: You don't think that...
SR: Think what?
TS: You know about that?
SR: About what?
NR: She told me. How do we find her?
SR: Will you stop pretending I'm not here and tell me what's going on?
TS: Cap, it appears that Hydra found her and took her back.
SR: How do we find her if she doesn't have her phone?
TS: That might take a while.
NR: Tony, she doesn't have a while.
TS: I know. Jarvis, tell Bruce to meet me in the lab.
J: Yes sir.
Tony and Nat leave to meet Bruce in the lab. Steve sighs and says under his breath...
SR: Come hell or high water, I will find you.

Hours later you wake up on the floor of a dirty cell.
Y/N: Where am I?
??: You're home.
He steps up to the window.
??: Miss me?
Y/N: Not really. What do you want with me?
Baron Von Strucker: I want to know everything there is to know about your new friends.
Y/N: Go to hell.
BS: Where did this confidence come from? This isn't the Y/N I know.
Y/N: That person doesn't exist anymore. She moved on.
BS: Then I need to find her.
You go to use your powers to defeat him but quickly realize you aren't able to.
BS: Are you ok? Is something wrong? Oh, I see. Your powers.
Y/N: What's happening? What did you do?
BS: That injection he gave you stripped you of your powers. At least temporarily.
Y/N: What are you going to do with me?
BS: In time, we're going to do what should've been done years ago.
Y/N: What would that be?
BS: Reconditioning. You're going to be one of our top agents.
Y/N: And if I refuse?
BS: If you're smart, you won't. But I can already see the struggle.
Y/N: Then you can see you don't have a chance.
BS: We'll see about that.
He leaves and all you can do is sit back and cry and hope that Steve will find you. As you are thinking of all the good times the two of you shared, you hear heavy footsteps coming down the hall. The door opens and the memories of your past flash before you. You cry out as he closes the door behind him.
Y/N: No...please don't.

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