Parts 305 & 306

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*Five years later*
SR: I'm home. Where are the kids?
Y/N: Hey there. They're doing homework. How was group?
SR: Nothing new.
Y/N: Well, you can only help those who want it.
SR: I just wish I could do more.
Y/N: Five years later and you're still beating yourself up.
SR: I'm sorry. I can't help it. What did you do today?
Y/N: I tried to get Nat out for lunch.
SR: Again? How did that go?
Y/N: It didn't. She won't even answer the phone.
SR: What did you say to her?
Y/N: I told her it was time to stop looking for him.
SR: She's worried about him.
Y/N: I've noticed. But he obviously doesn't want to be found.
SR: I spoke to Rhodes.
Y/N: Is she keeping him busy?
SR: All day, every day. Have you thought about going to see her?
Y/N: What's the point? She won't talk to me.
SR: Why don't we both go there tomorrow after we drop the kids off at school?
Y/N: You would do that for me?
SR: Of course. I know you have the best of intentions.
Y/N: Thank you.
SR: Anything for you.

*the next morning*
NR: So, what's the story?
JR: A major cartel was taken out in Mexico. No survivors. They didn't even get a chance to draw their guns.
NR: What makes you sure it was him?
JR: I know what you're hoping for. You've been chasing him all these years.
NR: It's just...
JR: Not like him? I know. But five years can change a man.
NR: Just keep me updated.
*Rhodes' holograph disappears. Nat hangs he head in her hands and starts to cry.*
SR: I don't think I've ever seen you like this.
*She quickly dries her eyes.*
NR: How long have you been standing there?
SR: Long enough.
NR: Let me guess. Your wife sent you.
Y/N: Actually he came with me.
SR: We're worried about you.
NR: Don't be. I'm fine.
SR: Are you any closer to finding him?
NR: No closer than I was yesterday. Or the day before that. Or the day before that.
Y/N: Do you need any help?
NR: Aren't you the same person who told me the other day to give up?
SR: Come on, don't be like that.
Y/N: Nat, when I said that...
NR: Save it. I don't want to hear it.
SR: Well, you're going to.
NR: No. Besides you have your family to take care of.
Y/N: Nat, you are our family.
SR: And so is he.
NR: Before I met him, I had nothing. He brought me here. Suddenly I had a job. Even better, I had a family. He's on self destruct. I just want my friend back.
Y/N: When you put it that way...
NR: Please don't patronize me.
SR: Don't shut us out.
NR: You're not going to give up, are you?
Y/N: You know me so well.
SR: What are his last known whereabouts?
NR: Mexico. Yesterday.
Y/N: I'm guessing you've got Rhodes following him.
NR: He's been a big help.
*Suddenly an alert goes off letting you know there's something outside. Nat presses a button to turn on the security cameras. You hear a familiar voice.*
SL: Hello? Can anyone hear me?
Y/N: Is that...
SL: It's Scott Lang. Remember me? From Germany?
Y/N: I thought he was gone.
NR: I thought so too.
SL: I was...I was the guy that got really big. I had a mask on. You wouldn't recognize me.
SR: Is this an old message?
SL: Ant-man? Ant-man? I know you know that.
NR: It's the front gate.

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