It's Time... (Part 185 & 186)

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*One week later*
Y/N: Still no word from them?
Pep: No. And the storm is getting worse.
Y/N: He said it would only be a couple of days.
Bar: Don't worry. I'm sure they're fine. How are you feeling?
Y/N: Tired. These two kept me up all night and my back has been hurting more than usual all day.
Pep: Go on upstairs and take a warm bath. Maybe it will help.
Y/N: I'm going to do that and then go to bed. Good night.
Pep: Good night.
Bar: Good night, doll.
*A loud clap of thunder wakes you in the middle of the night. You look over to see what time it is and notice the clock is off. You go to turn on the lamp only to realize...*
Y/N: Great. The power is out.
*You get up to get your phone and you feel something run down your leg.*
Y/N: Oh god. Not now. Dad! Pepper!
*Bucky and Pepper come running in*
Bar: Are you ok?
Pep: What's going on?
Y/N: I think my water broke.
Pep: Ok. Let's not panic. Where's your phone?
Y/N: Over there. On the dresser.
Pep: Bucky, call the doctor.
Bar: I'm on it.
Y/N: Ahhh! Shit!
*You grab your stomach as the first contraction comes.*

Pep: Sit down and breathe.
Bar: Pep, I need to talk to you.
*They step into the hall.*
Pep: What's wrong?
Bar: The storm is getting worse. It's too dangerous to drive out there.
Pep: Which means if we can't get there...
Bar: Then they can't get here.
Y/N: What's going on?
Pep: Stay calm. It's too dangerous to drive out there.
Bar: How far apart are the contractions?
Y/N: I don't know.
Bar: Is there any way to get in touch with the team?
Pep: Friday?
F: Yes, Miss Potts.
Pep: I need you to get in touch with Tony.
F: I'll try but the storm mat interfere.
Pep: Bucky, I need you to find as many flashlights and candles as you can.
Y/N: Pepper, what if I have to have these babies here?
Pep: We'll worry about that when the time comes.
Y/N: This is not how I pictured this happening.
*Meanwhile with the team*
SR: I keep trying to call Y/N but she's not answering. You don't think something happened, do you?
TS: It's 3 am. She's probably asleep.
WM: If something did happen, they would call.
F: Boss, can you hear me?
TS: Loud and clear.
F: You're needed back at the compound.
TS: Why? What's wrong?
F: Miss Stark has gone into labor.
SR: Tony, we need to get home. Now.

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