The Torture (Part 34, 35 & 36)

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Every night for a week, you've been tortured and beaten and left in your cell with very little to eat. You've tried to use your powers to escape but are so weak you are unable to do so. You were hopeful of Steve and Tonyfinding you at first but as more time passes, you start to believe they'll never find you. You're ready to give up when you hear a voice from the hall.
?F: Hello?
Y/N: Who's there?
?F: We're here to help you out.
Y/N: How do I know I can trust you?
?F: That's a judgement only you can make.
Y/N: You said we. Who is with you?
?F: It's me and my brother.
Y/N: When are we getting out?
?F: We have to wait until the time is right.
Y/N: Are you able to get a message to the outside?
?M: We can but it's risky. It might may make things worse for you.
?F: Who do you want to reach?
Y/N: My boyfriend and my uncle. They're Avengers.
?M: The Avengers? No way.
Y/N: What do I do in the meantime?
?F: Just sit tight. We'll be back when the time is right.
You sit back against the wall praying they will keep their word.

*two more weeks pass*
SR: Tony, are we any closer to locating Y/N?
TS: No closer than I was when you asked me this morning.
SR: The longer they have her, the less chance we have of finding her.
TS: Thank you for telling me that, Captain Obvious.
SR: Can you share what you do know?
TS: Her phone was ditched. It was found in the alley behind the grocery store. I've been running facial recognition software but there's been no match which probably means that they took her out of the country.
SR: Is there anything else that can be done?
TS: Don't you think if there was I would've done it already? What's with you? You seem more concerned about her than me. Why is that?
SR: Because...
J: Sir, there is a video being sent from an unknown number.
TS: Play the video.

*the video contains footage of them torturing you. You screaming in pain.*
CB: What are they doing to her?
NR: Oh my god.
TO: I can't listen to this anymore.
*Loki walks out*
SR: Tony, turn it off.
TS: Jarvis, track this number.

(for the full effect of the last part, please see part 36 on my Tiktok page: mymarvelpov21.)

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