Parts 41 & 42

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SR: What were you doing there?
PM: We were a part of their experiments.
TS: How long have they held you captive?
WM: We were there voluntarily.
NR: You volunteered?
PM: We did it because at the time we were led to believe it was the right thing to do.
WM: We quickly learned we were wrong.
Y/N: What experiments were done to you?
WM: I don't remember much. But after the first day we realized the powers we had that we didn't know we had.
Y/N: Such as?
WM: I can move things with my mind.
PM: I can move at lightning speed.
Y/N: Uncle Tony, we've got a couple of spare rooms they could stay in, right?
TS: We have one. They would have to share.
Y/N: Or I could move in with Steve and one of them could take my room.
NR: (to Y/N) You finally told him?
Y/N: (to NR) He figured it out.
*later that night*
Y/N: It dawned on me that I didn't ask how you felt about this.
SR: I didn't object, did I?
Y/N: I was hoping you wouldn't.
SR: (he gets serious) How long had they been looking for you?
Y/N: Since the day I escaped 5 months ago. I wanted to tell you but I was afraid to.
SR: I don't want you to be afraid to tell me anything.
Y/N: I will remember that. But for now...*kiss*...I say that we...*kiss*...
SR: Go to sleep.
Y/N: Sleep? That's not exactly what I had in mind.
SR: I know what you had in mind. And I have a plan for tomorrow.
Y/N: A surprise?
SR: Yes. Now sleep.
Y/N: Ok. Good night, handsome.
SR: Good night, baby girl.

*the next day*
SR: Are you ready for our outing?
Y/N: Let's go.
*you get on the back of his motorcycle and he takes you to...*
Y/N: The Smithsonian?
SR: I told you on our first date that I would bring you here someday.
*you walk around until you come to the Captain America exhibit.*
Y/N: So this is all about you?
SR: This is everything you'd want to know about me.
Y/N: This is during and post war. What about before the war?
SR: There's nothing to know about me before the war. Nothing of interest.
*You walk around the exhibit and you notice that Steve's attention is elsewhere. You walk over to see what he's looking at.*
Y/N: You ok?
SR: Yeah, I'll be alright.
*you see what he's looking at*
Y/N: Who's that?
SR: My best friend.
*As you look at the picture you get a feeling of deja vu*
Y/N: He looks familiar.
SR: What do you mean?
Y/N: Like I've seen him before.
SR: That's impossible.
Y/N: You're right. Let's go.

Hidden SecretsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang