Parts 176 & 177

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*meanwhile at the hospital*
Dr: Are you with Y/N Stark?
Ban: We are. How is she?
Dr: I managed to stop the contractions but with her history I might not be able to do it again.
NR: Can we see her?
Dr: Of course. The nurse will show you to her room.
N: She's right down here. Follow me.
NR: How are you feeling?
Y/N: Alright. They want to keep me overnight.
WM: We're still trying to find the guys.
Y/N: Forget it. If he cared, he'd answer.
NR: Don't say that. He cares.
Y/N: Then where is he now?
N: I'm sorry but visiting hours are over.
Y/N: Can I have one person stay with me?
N: Im sure that would be alright.
Y/N: Nat, would you stay?
NR: Of course.
WM: If either of you need anything just call.
*later with the guys*
TS: Uh oh.
Bar: What is it?
TS: I think I'm in trouble.
SR: Why do you say that?
TS: I have a lot of missed calls from Pepper.
Bar: Something must have happened becasue I have misse calls from Wanda. Steve?
SR: Nat called. What the hell is going on?
TS: Check your messages.
*They all check their messages and hear what happened.*
SR: Tony...
TS: I'll drive.

SR: Excuse me. I'm looking for Y/N Stark.
N: And you are...?
SR: Her fiance.
Bar: Her father.
TS: Her uncle.
N: It looks like she's in room 305 but...
*They all take off for the elevators before the nurse finishes her sentence. They find your room and walk in. You're sleeping while hooked up to monitors.*
SR: Nat?
*She puts her finger to her lips telling them to be quiet. She pushes them into the hall.*
N: I'm sorry but visiting hours are over. You can come back at 9:00.
SR: I'm not leaving.
NR: It's okay. I'll take it from here.
SR: Is she okay? And the babies?
NR: They're fine. They're all going to be fine.
TS: Thank god.
NR: What are you all doing here?
TS: We were all together when we got the messages. What happened?
NR: After you left and things quieted down, she started having contractions.
SR: Have they stopped?
NR: The doctor managed to stop them.
Bar: Thank god.
TS: Can we see her?
NR: No.
Bar: Nat, please.
NR: Steve can go in. You guys are taking me home.
SR: Thanks for staying with her.
NR: Listen to me. Her body and these babies cannot handle stress. You two need to get it together.
SR: I know that now.
NR: You can sit with her but let her sleep.
*The others leave and he enters the room and sits in the chair next to you.*

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