The Lost Dynasty

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When Gabriel and Storm finally get out of bed, Storm pulls on a green silk dress and waits for Gabriel to gently run his fingers up her back and fasten the dress again.

"Thanks," Storm replies, stroking her own necklace in front of the mirror.

"If it were up to me, some of the dresses in your closet would already be torn to shreds." Gabriel answers, running his hand through the girl's dark hair.

"Gabriel... you have to remember one serious fact, despite all this passion and lust, I'm married to Snake." Storm replies crossing her arms over her chest.

Gabriel nods quietly and walks out of the room adding, "I'll have the servants prepare something for you."

Storm quietly bites her lip and says, "We shouldn't be telling anyone about this. Right?"

Gabriel grunts to himself and asks, "What? You mean you enjoyed it?"

Storm smiles sweetly and pushes Gabriel towards the door and says, "If I wanted to tire myself out more, I probably would have stayed at Wendel."

Gabriel smirks to himself and says, "Call if you need anything."

Storm nods to herself and quietly sits down at her computer and opens the encrypted message sent to her and calls Electra.

"It's about time!" Electra's reproachful tone comes from the phone.

Storm sighs to herself and says, "You gave me a deadline of soon. Of course, this is a very relative term."

Electra huffs quietly and continues, "Nikita Nadege Genesis has given Lily Black an ultimatum."

Storm leans back in the soft chair and mumbles, "I'm listening."

"She will end the war when Lily Black defeats her in a fair fight. But if Lily loses or is killed in the fight, Nikita Nadege Genesis can continue her war activities," explains Electra, cracking her finger.

"What exactly is this righteous opposition?" asks Storm, leaning back in his chair.

"I'm not sure. But I could calculate it quickly if you send me information about the Genesis troops in Russia within about 1-2 hours," says Electra.

"Genesis is no fool, Elena. His forces reach every corner of the world. If you want to make the most accurate and correct calculation possible, you need all the data. And as far as I know you're already down by 500,000 people. So take that into account in your calculations," says Storm.

"How do you know?" Electra asks, frowning.

"After all, you can have access to everything digital and related to it. But everything outside of your world is my empire," Storm answers with a sly smile.

"Because you're Snakov," Electra mutters, rolling her eyes.

"Lily Black's position gives her analyst, accountant and head of foreign relations and diplomacy free rein in the world. Without Lily, I would have to resort to much bloodier methods. But that's not important now," says Storm.

Electra nods to herself and says, "Get me that information. And I'll get you all the rest."

"Have the Snakov's remaining arsenal and 55.5% of the Than's imported arsenal placed in an area of about 30 square meters in relation to the Genesis base, including the area around the base. If this is not enough, we will expand the perimeter to 500 square meters," adds Storm.

Electra taps something at the computer and asks, "Does Gabriel suspect anything?"

Storm sighs quietly and adds, "I'll do everything I can to make sure he doesn't find out."

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