"Does it hurt?"

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Lily is still looking at Marc's motionless body, which she had just pushed down, and without thinking, she ran down the stairs and asked, "Are you okay?"

Marc struggles to sit up and mutters, "It's a miracle I survived."

Lily rolls her eyes to herself and glances at Marc, "You've done this before?"

"What? Falling from the fourth floor on your back? Of course!" replies Marc, amused.

"Marc..." Lily starts to say warningly.

"Calm down. Everything is fine," says Marc, extending his hand to Lily, but Lily pulls away from him and says: "Adrian Blanchet should be here by now."

"You want me to come with you?" Marc asks, standing up.

Lily flinches at Marc's suspicious expression, and Marc quickly adds, "For a translator!"

"No, no need. Storm can help me with that." Lily answers as she gets ready to go.

"Ah, that Storm has better French than the French? Qui aurait pensé," replies Marc. ("Who would have thought.")

Lily gives Marc a disgusted look and says, "First of all, I don't speak French. And secondly, any other person could find a better excuse to come with me than wanting to be my translator. And third... I'm going to need all the help I can get. Including Adrian Blanchet. And I'm really not deterred by the fact that you were once enemies, because now you're becoming allies."

Marc looks at Lily quietly and says, "Just trust yourself. Because in the present it is easy for chaos to arise."

Lily nods quietly and quietly walks towards Storm and Snake's base.

Snake gives Storm a thoughtful look and asks, "Are you sure about this? Mira and Myles can come with me."

Storm sighs quietly and says, "I know they can. But sending our children so close to the Genesis forces... I don't know, doesn't sound very appealing."

Snake chuckles quietly and says, "Not really. At least you can go scare Gabriel."

Storm smiles sheepishly and Snake carefully comes up behind her and puts his arms around her waist and asks, "What's wrong?"

Storm sighs softly as she silently looks towards the window, "I don't know what will become of us. Will we become anything at all? As of right now, none of us might make it out alive. Or if they can escape, they would be caught in the claws of chaos."

Snake turns Storm towards him and pulls her into the tightest hug possible, quietly burying his head in Storm's thick dark hair, listening to the girl's breathing slowly even out in his arms and whispering,„Вы никого не потеряете. Oбещаю." ("You won't lose anyone. I promise.")

"If you want to go home, England is always an option," Snake says with a grin.

"Rather not. I don't have the best memories with England," Storm says with a smile.

Suddenly there is a soft click on the door handle and Lily walks in and says, "The Beaumonts are always happy to work with the people of Wendel."

Storm and Snake both turn to Lily and Lily asks, "How much does Gabriel know?"

"No idea. Depends on how well Adrian has been able to stay quiet," Snake replies as he walks away.

"By the way, he arrived a few hours ago," Storm adds quietly.

"Well. We need as much help as possible," replies Lily, looking away.

"Ah tu es toujours là?" Marc asks, spreading his arms to Lily's side. (

Queen of Wendel: WarlikeWhere stories live. Discover now