War council

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Adrian sits quietly by the fountain, staring at the crows flying above Wendel, cawing loudly.

"The local residents believe that the local crows represent the people who died in this town and carry their souls to their empire, where they are gifted with the crows' eternal loyalty and protection," a girl's voice rang out from the shadowy street.

Adrian turns around and says, "Lily Black?"

"In the flesh," Lily answers as she takes a few steps closer to Adrian.

"Adrian Blanchet?" Lily asks.

"At your service, Lily Black," Adrian replies quietly.

"Don't overdo it," Lily replies quietly.

"I guess we've never been in each other's company like this," Adrian says quietly.

"There's never been a reason," Lily replies with a shrug.

"Mnjah... I understand that you will need the forces of the Beaumont mafia to take on Kazmer Viktor Genesis," Adrian says thoughtfully.

"The Ferecci and Holt forces are also mine. But I have a feeling that there tend to be few of them. Besides, we're going up against the king of the assassin empire. And I'm missing my troops anyway," Lily explains quietly.

"Storm told me something about the Claytons," Adrian says standing next to Lily.

"The Claytons? Electra's parents? I don't know why," mutters Lily, looking away.

"Who knows? A kind of redemption for your daughter?" Adrian offers with a shrug.

"Hardly. These people will do anything to get their hands on something big and shiny. Which would give them real power. It's very far from caring," says Lily, shaking her head.

"So hypocrisy?" Adrian asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Marcello Ferecci and Lucy Holt," Lily replies quietly.

"Ouch!" grins Adrian.

"Actually, I don't feel anything. Never felt anything." Lily answers with a shrug.

Suddenly, Storm quietly appears behind them and says, "Je te cherchais, Adrian." („I was looking for you, Adrian.")

"Eh bien, vous m'avez trouvé," Adrian replies with a smile. („Well, you found me.")

"Donc il semblerait." Storm replies with a smile. („So it would seem.")

"Is everything ready?" Lily asks looking at Storm.

Storm nods quietly and says, "All ready and more warlike than ever."

"And Marc?" Lily asks.

„Excusez-moi? Marc nous rejoindra-t-il ?" asks Adrian, frowning. ("Excuse me? Will Marc join us?")

Lily gives Storm a questioning look and Storm says, "C'était le choix de Lily. Elle pense que Marc est un stratege de guerre précieux. Et elle refuse de le laisser partir, pour prouver qu'elle n'est pas comme les autres membres de sa famille." („It was Lily's choice. She thinks Marc is a valuable war strategist. And she refuses to let him go, to prove that she is not like the other members of her team.")

Lily looks down and says, "Adrian, we should..."

"I'll be right over." Adrian answers hurriedly and turns back to Storm.

"Est-elle toujours comme ça?" he asks quietly. („Is she always like that?")

„Non. Franchement, elle a un sacré tempérament. Mais souvenez-vous de ceci, lorsque vous lui êtes fidèle, elle vous sera également fidèle." answers Storm. ("Nope. Honestly, she's got a hell of a temper. But remember this, when you are loyal to her, she will also be loyal to you.")

Queen of Wendel: WarlikeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя