No one is safe

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A few hours later, after many of the team members had fallen asleep following each other, Shadow turns to Kro and says, "You're in a state of mind."

"Yes," answers Kro, looking at the girl.

"You don't need to be. Things that will come will come when they are meant to come. And when they come, we'll deal with them accordingly." Shadow says, sheathing his knife.

"Because assumptions and doubts are superficial and pointless?" Kro asks, raising an eyebrow.

"If you say so," Shadow replies, looking down at her knees.

"Than said something to me that I willfully despise."

"Aha. Against whom?'' says Shadow, looking up.

"Miss Stella Storm against Snakov, a girl alias Storm." Kro answers with a shrug.

"Not arguing that she's not.. normal. But her idiosyncrasy has brought us more good than harm lately," answers Shadow.

"Than wouldn't have told me that we might be at odds if he didn't believe it himself. And besides, I'm not at all convinced that Gabriel will be able to bring out in Storm what makes him.. special." says Kro, shaking his head.

"You think there might be a split between the people of Wendel?" Shadow asks with a frown.

"I do not know. But considering the psyche of our residents and its insecurity.. we cannot necessarily rule it out," says Kro quietly.

"And now we've reached the point where..." Shadow mutters.

"No one is safe," answers Kro.

Shadow bites her lip thoughtfully and watches as Kro tries to look at her comfortingly, but...

The truth is there. Under their own eyes. The situation from which they had tried to escape was about to arrive. And ghosts rising.

And along with the ghosts, the snakes, the storms, in the world of lightning and electric shocks that were hidden under the veil of shadows and death, the deniers, the doubters and the supporters of it all emerge.

And the world is divided. And the only person you can count on is the person next to you. Whether he's real or not.

Everything starts with trust and everything ends with self-betrayal.

Queen of Wendel: Shadows of the FallenWhere stories live. Discover now