For our safety

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After a couple of hours of reading the instructions, Marc gets up from his chair and walks behind Electra and says, "What the hell do you think I'm at with computers?"

Electra closes her eyes once, exhales and says: "That's what I'm trying to determine."

Marc claps his hands on the table and says: "If I can help you, keep one thing in mind: We are partners. One is not more important than the other!"

Electra turns around in her chair and says with a raised eyebrow, "I'm Elena Clayton. I am the world's #2 top hacker and coder. Even without a name, I would be almost impossible to defeat."

"You were Elena Clayton. Now you are Electra," Marc answers, leaning over the girl.

"My location doesn't affect my intelligence," Electra replies, straightening herself up more in her chair.

"And I was the rightful heir to the throne of the Lyon City Mafia. And now I'm here. Things change. The past doesn't. And the past will always haunt us. Some just accept it and move on. Others don't," Marc hisses angrily.

Electra swallows quietly and asks, "What do you want from me? I can't give you Lyon! And I sure as hell didn't take your title! And if I had a time machine, I would make your past better, but..."

Marc shakes his head and says, "I don't want you to."

"So what do you want?" asks Electra demandingly, spreading her arms, feeling a slight shiver of fear go through her body.

"I want you to promise me something, Electra," Marc says, his dark eyes searching hers.

"Speak," Electra replies quietly.

"Promise me you'll try to trust me. Me and my technical and hacking and coding skills." Marc concludes in a deep tone.

Electra sighs and looks away and says, "What if it's destroyed?"

"We have a war. Things get destroyed. Even the best ones. Nothing is forever," answers Marc, moving closer to the computer.

"If my systems are destroyed, this city's security system and other systems that even protect this city will be destroyed. And death can await us all." Electra answers looking down.

"You are strong. You would survive," answers Marc, looking at the girl.

"Just in terms of hacking and coding. In other respects, I'm relatively useless," answers Electra, reaching for the computer mouse.

"That's what I'm here for," Marc replies, turning Electra towards him, quietly listening to how the girl swallows softly and says, "I'll obey you if you obey me."

Electra swallows again and murmurs, "Then listen to me. I will bring you up to date."

Marc nods and picks up a small notebook and says, "Let's go win that war."

Electra snorts a soft laugh and mumbles, "Fine.", grabs the first pile of papers from the table and starts to present them to Marc.

Irina stands under the window and looks at Than and says: "Lev can't last much longer. He will completely lose control."

"And he will. When he gets stuck in himself, he loses control," Than answers quietly, looking at Irina.

Irina pushes a loose strand behind her ear and says: "As do you."

Than looks at Irina and Irina continues, "I'm not stupid. I saw you looking towards the Genesis base."

"So what? I will do everything for her," asks Than, turning to Irina.

"It's dangerous, Than," Irina replies.

"Good, I won't run from danger. It's going to take more to shake my courage," Than replies, stroking his pistol.

"And Vitali? Does he know what you're planning?" Irina asks quietly.

"What's with the constant criticizing?" Than asks, suddenly pushing the girl away from him.

Irina shakes her head in confusion and asks: "With criticizing?"

"I understand that you have a lot of things to talk about, but there's no point in tearing them apart again before the war starts. Honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm among ravenous bloodhounds instead of humans," Than explains quietly.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Irina asks in shock.

"Because I understood that Lev is the boss here. And without his order, no one does anything here," Than replies grumpily.

"Alina can also have some kind of power," Irina tries to say.

"Alina? I haven't heard anything from her. Sitting there somewhere around the corner, like a half-dead startled mouse," exclaims Than.

"Because she obeys Lev," Irina mutters, looking down.

"Yes, obey indeed. And Lev sneakily takes advantage of it. But I've had it!" Than answers, grabbing the gun from the table.

"Where are you going?" Irina asks slightly irritated.

"Bring your best fighters. We break into Genesis' fortress to find out. And then we continue to improve the strategies," answers Than.

Irina exclaims: "But..."

"No buts. That's enough. We're leaving in an hour," Than replies coldly.

Mira sits quietly under the window and waits for Myles to come to her side. They sit in silence for a long time, occasionally glancing at each other.

Myles quietly looks in his sister's direction and puts his little ones around her and gives her a small kiss on the cheek.

Mira gives Myles a tired look and curls up in her brother's arms and closes her eyes, quietly listening to his brother's gentle heartbeat and pressing herself against him.

Suddenly, Franz walks in the door and whispers: "You better get into bed. You will be safe there."

Myles looks at Franz suspiciously and tightens his grip around his little sister, waiting for Franz to leave the room.

Storm looks at Franz and asks, "Comment vont-ils?" ("How are they?")

Franz puts a reassuring hand on Storm's shoulder and says, "Ils sont endormis." („They are asleep.")

"Et vous êtes sûr qu'ils sont... en sécurité?" Storm asks, biting her lip. ("And you're sure they're... safe?")

"Fais-moi confiance. Ils seront." ( "Trust me. They will be.")says Franz, caressing the girl's cheek and adding: "Je dois partir maintenant. Mais tu devrais être en sécurité lorsque vous restez dans le manoir." („I have to leave now. But you should be safe when you stay in the mansion.")

Storm nods quietly and says, "On devrait continuer à parler anglais. Pour notre propre sécurité." („We should continue to speak English. For our own safety.")

François nods and rushes out of the room leaving the girl lying on the bed.

Storm turns her back to the moonlight and grabs the nearest black pillow in her arms and whispers, "Please, I can't take it anymore."

She didn't know if anyone could hear the cries for help hidden inside her and feel the gentle caresses that slid over the girl's armor-patterned ring. Would Gabriel ever be willing to forgive her.

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