A certain 'descendant'

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Hissing in anger and pain, Shadow drags herself to the edge of the bed and grabs the silk blanket from the bed and sinks onto the bed.

"Traitors," Shadow hisses angrily, staring at the painful, red wound in her lower abdomen and taking out the needle.

The wound looks relatively deep, but nothing life-threatening. The blood from the wound has even begun to dry, indicating that the wound is beginning to heal again.

Suddenly, the door opens, and Shadow glances towards the door, watching as a young fair-haired girl walks up to her and says in a strong Russian accent, "Kazmer says you need help."

"Thanks...but, I can do it myself. You can go..." Shadow says grabbing the needle back.

"Alina," the girl replies, turning to face Shadow revealing the wound running across her back.The girl didn't look more than a few years younger than Shadow, but her expression tried her best to say otherwise.

The girl didn't look more than a few years younger than Shadow, but her expression tried her best to say otherwise.

The girl didn't look more than a few years younger than Shadow, but her expression tried her best to say otherwise

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"All the wounds you see, I have earned myself," says Alina, adjusting her black shirt.

"Assassin?" Shadow asks with a smirk.

"What do you know about being an assassin? You've probably been living on silk pillows all your life, kitten," says Alina, spitting at the girl.

"That should scare me? Ooh, shivers of fear are already running down my spine," mutters Shadow, frowning slightly.

Alina turns her gaze towards the girl and asks: "You think you can beat me?"

"You think serving as a carpet for Kazmer Viktor Genesis makes you a worthy opponent for me?" Shadow asks back.

Alina angrily clenches her hands into fists and hisses: "The only one on this carpet is you."

"I'd rather be a carpet than one of Genesis' pawns," Shadow hisses back.

At that, Alina's scream comes from her lips, and Shadow grabs a knife from the table and whips the girl by the cape to the wall and says: "The next blow will fly through your body."

Alina turns her gaze to Shadow and hisses, "Who are you?"

Stepping closer to her, Shadow runs a knife across the girl's nearly healed wound and says, "I have many names. But to you I am Death... If you still consider me a pawn of Genesis. Now, get out!"

Than sits quietly at the table, staring thoughtfully at his empty pack of cigarettes when Snake walks in.

"Nothing better than a morning smoke or what?" Snake asks as he quietly closes the door.

"There are probably better things.." Than answers with a shrug.

Snake turns a questioning look towards Than and asks, "So what would be better? In your case?'

Queen of Wendel: Shadows of the FallenWhere stories live. Discover now