A mentor's pride

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Mentor -an experienced and trusted adviser.

Than sits in the car polishing one of his guns when Scale says, "You're probably going to die."

"Thanks, I appreciate it," Than murmurs as he places the gun on the seat.

"No, seriously," Scale says, looking in the rearview mirror.

"The longer I wait, the less chance I have of avoiding this war," Than says, looking out the window.

"You make an impulsive decision. Shadow would tell you to pull back," says Scale.

"Shadow won't decide for me," Than says coldly.

"True. Buts he cares about you. And she doesn't want to see you die in front of her. Even if she were to somehow change her way of thinking about the world." Scale answers, placing his hands on the steering wheel.

"You're a man with such a fucked-up mindset," Than replies, adjusting his outfit.

"Well.. yes... That's probably why that stripper broke up with me," Scale mutters angrily.

Than chuckles to himself and says, "What? Did you see how you miserably cheated on her with your car?" asks Than, grinning.

"She began to demand more of a more emotional relationship from me," the man replies tiredly.

"Why didn't you give her what she wanted?" Than asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Why didn't you give Shadow what she wanted?" Scale counters.

"Because I didn't know how to give it to her," Than replies, leaning back in his seat.

Scale nods quietly as if he's answered in kind and presses his foot harder on the gas pedal and asks, "To Russia, yes?"

"To Russia," Than answers with a nod.

"I haven't been able to go there for a long time. Maybe in the meantime we can play Russian roulette before we go after the big boys," says Scale, grinning.

"Maybe later. Right now I need to bring my girl home," says Than, looking out the window.

"Now who's got the fucked up mindset, Hunter Than." Scale barks with a hoarse laugh.

"Oh, screw you," Than mutters quietly.

Scale chuckles quietly and their onward journey continues in silence.

As soon as Kro leaves the office, he notices Alina next to him and asks: "Did you hear that?"

Alina looks away for a moment and then looks back at Kro and asks, "Who is Nikita Nadege Genesis?"

"Excuse me?" Kro asks, frowning.

"You never stood up to Genesis. And now.. you suddenly did," Alina answers, shrugging.

"What about it?" Kro asks, looking at the window.

"You're starting to forget who your loyalty lies with, Kro." Alina says, pointing the knife at Kro.

But Kro does not react and walks so close to Alina that finally the tip of the girl's knife blade touches her throat and whispers: "Go ahead." Push that knife through."

Alina looks at Kro, muttering: "Tы блефуешь." ( "You're blufing.")

"Никогда." Kro replies and gently pushes the knife blade from his neck and walks away as if nothing happened. ("Never.")

Stunned, Alina stops in the middle of the hallway and rushes towards Shadow's room and frantically slams the door open and screams, "What was that supposed to mean?"

Queen of Wendel: Shadows of the FallenWhere stories live. Discover now