Loyalty and its prize

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Lily stands quietly by her window, staring at the night city as Marc comes to her and says, "My queen."

"Death has begun to oppress this city," Lily says, walking to the wall.

Marc looks away thoughtfully and mutters, "Well ... yes."

"What did you want to tell me?" Lily asks toward Marc.

"Poison was killed," says Marc, quietly leaving.

"Poison? As in ... the Poison? "Lily asks, frowning.

"Than claimed that Shadow had called him that," Marc replies quietly.

Lily nods quietly and looks at Marc and asks, "Where's Shadow?"

"She's hurt, but more angry than before," Marc says, adjusting his shirt.

Lily nods quietly and watches Marc leave, then asks, "Have you heard anything from Kro?"

Marc raises his dark eyes toward Lily and replies even more quietly, "What the difference would it make?"

Lily swallows quietly and says, "Not at all. His loyalty to me was therefore not worth anything. "

"If you say so, Mrs. Black," Marc replies, shrugging.

"You can go," Lily mutteres, leaning against the wall.

Lily presses herself against the wall and tries to close her eyes, but in most cases, she can't do it and gets up and walks down to the streets.

The cold air of the night caresses her arm, and the dim light of the moon gently illuminates the streets as a few more angry jumps and a few screams of anger are heard from the streets.

Lily smiles to herself. There was never a moment you wanted to fall asleep in a ghost town.

Lily hadn't walked much when she noticed the silhouette of a black man standing on the street and said quietly, "Hunter Than."

Than turns to Lily and asks, "What brings you here, black flower?"

"Sleep is a gift I can't afford. You should know best about everyone else, "Lily says, leaning against the wall.

Than shows Lily the picture he has and asks, "I found it at Shadow. Do you know who it could be? "

Lily takes a picture and looks at the little girl in the picture.

The girl's eyes are full of fear and her face is covered with invisible scars from the past. Her dark hair tries to cover the girl's expressive and slightly childish look, but it is clear that this girl has never seen the light in her life, let alone know it.

But who she is, Lily doesn't have the slightest idea.

But who she is,  Lily doesn't have the slightest idea

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"I don't know who she is, Than. I really don't . But one thing I will tell you is that she has been broken. "Lily replies, returning the picture to Than.

"That's who she is," Than mutters, putting the picture back in his jacket pocket.

"Shadow must have been angry," Lily says.

"If I hadn't done anything, she would have died through the man's hands," Than replies, pushing his hand into his fist.

"It's hard to kill Shadow," Lily tells Than as she walks around the room.

"She is too precious, black bloom. She can't just die, "says Than stubbornly.

"So caring for you should help her become better than she is. Your whole life? "Lily asks, raising an eyebrow.

"We both see it, Lily ... Ever since Kro left us, both Shadow and Snake have been whipping harder. And Electra has decided to start checking her rebellion and Storm ... Oh, let's not talk about her ... "Than tries to say.

"Kro made his decision completely himself. It was their choice that others went along with it. I allowed them to make that choice. And they have done it. They are the only ones they can blame for their decisions. "Lily answers, crossing her chest.

"Well, look where it took them!" Than replies reproachfully.

"What else does that mean?" Lily asks, frowning.

"Everything has a limit, a black bloom," says Than, walking back to his house.

Lily stares at Than and says, "I'd better leave before I say something I can't take back."

Than watches quietly as Lily moves away from him and moves back to his weapons depot, where he quietly ignites new smoke and begins to repair his weapons.

Shadow quietly steps over to Than and asks, "Why am I here?"

"This is a good question. Go back to bed. "Than replies without looking away from his arms.

Shadow rolls her eyes and walks Than straight with his back, but as soon as he reaches the door, Than places a pistol loaded on her chest, and Shadow responds by placing a knife on Than's throat without ever blinking.

"Cut my throat," Than hisses angrily.

"Shoot me," Shadow replies, still holding Than's eye.

Than looks at Shadow, looking for a sign that the girl is bluffing, but the girl's look remains the same as she lowers her knife and says, "You're bluffing."

"As do you," Than mutters in response.

Shadow takes her knife and walks out of the room and says, "Never touch my things again."

Than swallows quietly and Shadow grabs a picture from the table and walks out of Than's warehouse and walks to Lily's house, saying, "I need to get back to work."

Lily nods quietly and whispers, "Be careful."

Shadow looks at Lily and mutters, "No promises, Lily."

Lily nods quietly and watches as Shadow moves silently towards Wendel's gates.

Shadow's determination had never affected her like that before.

The girl exuded from fearlessness and power, but at the same time fear that she would never return.

And it scared Lily.

Because Shadow's choice had to depend on the girl's return.

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