Nothing serious

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As soon as Shadow and Genesis get in the car, Genesis asks, "Is he anything more than a friend to you?"

"If you knew me, Genesis, you would know that I don't make emotional connections with anyone," Shadow says, sharpening her knife.

"Why did you take the shot?" You could have watched him throw in agony as well. "Genesis asks.

"Just as blood comes first in the mafia family, assassins always have a code first," says Shadow.

"Kindness is a killer," Genesis mutters.

Shadow makes fun of herself and Genesis turns to the girl and asks, "What's kidding you?"

"It's ironic. You're making a whole code of rules because you don't like rules that are more than a century old that can kill anyone, even the smallest act. And now ... if you need to go to see your family member, you just really ignore it and shoot his escort. "Shadow replies with a cold look at the man.

"He could have hurt you! You heard yourself, he works for Gabriel Beaumont, "says Genesis, stroking the girl's hair gently.

"Don't touch me!" Shadow hurries angrily and pulls to the other side of the seat.

Frightened, Genesis looks at Shadow, who holds her arms around her and looks at Genesis, who says in a harsh voice, "I'm not the enemy here, Nikita."

Shadow stares at the man angrily and says, "You're not the enemy. But certainly not an ally. "

Than walks over to Lily and asks, "How are you feeling?"

"Stop it, Than," Lily replies grimly.

"Black bloom, forgive me," Than says, looking down.

"Hmh. That's new, Than, "Lily says, turning around.

"Yeah, well, I need your help," Than says, lighting the smoke.

"Shadow is gone and I have to replace her. What an interesting turn of events. "Lily mutters as she walks down the stairs.

"Actually, I came here at Snake and Storm's command," says Than.

"Do they have any information about Shadow's location?" Lily turns her head to Than.

"Not directly, but Snake seems to have a theory," Than replies.

"I don't see why we should put the whole team together for once to prevent Shadow from doing her job," Lily says, shaking her leg.

"Because Shadow is wreaking havoc in Wendel, and then who knows where it's normal in this city?" Than asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I trust her, Than," Lily says as she plays with her rings.

"So how are you going to act after her body is thrown at your feet?" Than asks, shaking his fist.

"Shadow is the best assassin in the world, who would do the trash without leaving any trace of ethics. Using only a knife and yourself. So, yes, I trust her, "Lily says, angrily pushing Than to the throat.

"Snake and Storm don't trust me," Than says breathlessly.

"It seems that we need to negotiate before a new uprising in Wendel rises. Ash, here! "Lily shouts angrily.

There is a sleepy and tired crackle on the stairs as Ash pulls himself down the stairs.

Than looks at the birds and says, "If you want to feel better, I'll let Snake order a personal pack of smokes. So you could enjoy life as well. "

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