A complicated game

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When Storm finally gets home, Snake gives her a dark look and says, "Didn't know you preferred to spend a lot of time outside."

"Marc wanted to talk to me for a while," says Storm, sitting on the couch.

"Let me guess. He's trying to make something up again," Snake offers, moving closer to Storm.

"About Adrian. And in that sense, there's a certain charm to his thought," Storm mutters.

"Rivals join forces. How the tables have turned!" Snake murmurs as he pulls Storm into a hug.

"Allies for now," Storm mutters, rolling her eyes.

"I'm afraid they will never be allies. Or friends." Snake says thoughtfully.

"That doesn't necessarily mean they can't work together," Storm snorts tiredly.

"Would you care to enlighten me, Miss Snakov?" Snake asks with a sly smile.

"What? You think that because their families were enemies with each other, that means they must be enemies with each other? As if this were the purpose of their lives." asks Storm, standing up from the couch.

"Oh you boy. Are you sure most of your life was spent in Wendel?" Snake asks venomously.

"You think I'm naive, do you?" Storm asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Living in Lily Black's empire, you learn the most important lesson in life: enemies are all around you. Always. And there are those around you who are ready to help you. It is important to learn to recognize your neighbor and to keep and protect him. And he responds in kind," says Snake.

"I think I know one more," says Storm.

"People don't change," both say in chorus.

Snake smiles quietly and continues, "I'm not telling you to pick sides. But I'll tell you this."

"I'm listening," Storm says.

"Think about it. A year ago, when all the mafias of Europe and some of Asia were willing to tear each other to pieces, both sides, both Gauthier and Beaumont, wanted to incinerate each other. And the war strategy of both mafias was led by the same people who are now suggesting that Lily join forces to destroy Kazmer Viktor Genesis." Snake explains.

"You think there's something bigger?" Storm asks in almost a whisper.

"I don't think there is anything bigger at play. I'm adamant that something much, much bigger is at play than just the Kazmer Viktor Genesis Empire and the power it holds. And Shadow being Kazmer Viktor Genesis' potential heir to the throne.... Let's just say that..." Snake continues as he walks down the window.

"And it's all happening before Gabriel's own eyes," Storm mutters.

"Under our eyes. It is a complex and carefully designed strategy. Family members of the Snakov mafia also organized something like this. And believe me when I say that there weren't a lot of them. Some people dared to say that this is how we earn our living. And you know what?" says Snake.

"They were right?" Storm asks, raising an eyebrow.

"They were and always will be right," Snake says kissing Storm on the cheek.

Shadow paces thoughtfully in the corner of the room and stares at the knife he was given.

The shape and design of the knife is carefully planned. If you look closely, you can notice fragments of Egyptian and Slavic culture engraved on the knife.

The handle of the knife is inlaid with gold, while the blade is silver and decorated with intricate runes.

The handle is decorated with rubies and has three letters cut into it: N.N.G.

Shadow strokes the letters thoughtfully, knowing they represent her name: Nikita Nadege Genesis.

This person is definitely well thought out. After all, the belongings of members of the families of great leaders should be more protected than those of their subordinates.

But how did Genesis know that it was Shadow who was the rightful owner of this knife?

The girl still could not give any answer to this question.

And she couldn't think much about it when the door opened and a man in black came to the girl and pulled a bag over her head.

Shadow stares through the dark fibers of the bag to where she is being taken, anticipating the long journey to his destination.

Fortunately, not too long. Although still very tortuous and complicated.

When the bag is finally pulled off her head, the girl looks around.

There is loud shouting, clapping and cheering around him, but the room itself is pitch black.

"What the hell..." Shadow mutters as he looks around.

"I'm glad you found the time, Shadow." a voice comes from behind the girl and a large light fixture clicks and shines a bright light on the girl and suddenly Shadow sees none other than Genesis himself standing in front of her.

"Friends! Enemies! And everyone else! Welcome to the challenge of the heir to the throne." Genesis shouts like he's the ringleader of the circus and waves at Shadow and says, "My heir to the throne has come home!"

The audience begins to applaud even louder and more violently, and Genesis continues, "But! In order to prove whether she is willing to bear her worthy family name, she needs to pass the fire test necessary for entry."

"Trial by fire! Trial by fire!" roars the crowd stormily.

Shadow stares at the crowd around her, some of whom are trying to get closer to her to either punch her once or touch her obscenely.

Shadow would never have expected such a thing! The first thing that came to her mind was gladiator fights, but they were also held about a few thousand years ago. If not more. But it means nothing to her. There is no backing down from the challenge.

So the girl decides to wait for further instructions from Genesis, according to which the trial by fire will be carried out.

"There is only one rule in the trial by fire: the candidate for the heir to the throne must not be killed. She can be seriously injured, but not killed."

Shadow swallows inaudibly as she stares at Genesis and waits for him to continue, "A fighter can choose an opponent that suits her, but in this case, this rule will not be followed."

Well, of course. If Shadow is his daughter, the father must handpick a suitable opponent for his daughter to beat his daughter to death.

Unfortunately for him, Shadow has become immune to pain, and what many consider a mortal wound is something Shadow deals with on a daily basis.

But whoever was put against her had to be at least worthy of Shadow.

Fortunately, I have fought all of my kind and defeated them all, Shadow can think to calm herself.

"Step forward!" Genesis shouts at his men, and a tall, dark-eyed young man covered in a black cape steps out.

Shadow stares at his opponent sensing that something is about to go wrong. Very, very wrong.

"Nikita, are you ready to face your opponent?" Genesis asks looking at the girl.

Shadow nods without hesitation and waits for the young man to remove his cape.

When the young man finally throws off his cape and looks at Shadow, Shadow feels a chill running down his spine.

"Kro." Shadow whispers quietly.

But Kro just gives Shadow a dull nod.

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