The arrival of allies

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An angry gust of wind cuts through his ears as Snake finally gets out of the car and starts walking around. Russia had not changed at all for him.

Harsh air, bearded men shouting on the street and car sirens, the distant echo of which echoed over the forest. You could also hear the cursing Russians nearby and the angry blows of baseball bats.

Snake smirks to himself. Yes, there were few things that changed in Russia. As you know, it was not too high compared to the development level of other countries. And there were many things that screamed for economic help and support from the state.

But unfortunately, Snake didn't have time to think about it any longer, and he took steps towards the mansion in the distance.

The surroundings of the manor had not changed much either. He walked through the gates of the manor in silence, grinning to himself. Although some attempts had been made to improve the manor, nothing much had changed there either.

He walks quietly through the front door and suddenly hears the clatter of someone's heels on the stairs and looks towards the stairs and says: "Ирина, чертенок ты." ("Irina, you little devil.")

„Виталий? Ты... ты жив?" asks Irina, standing on the stairs. ("Vitali? You ... are you alive?")

"Не упасть с лесницы,"("Don't fall down the stairs.") replies Snake, looking at Irina, who is shaking on her little legs and grumpily says, "Виталий!" ("Vitali!")

Snake smiles slyly and says with his arms open, "Иди сюда, дорогой." ("Come here, dear.")

Irina nods and jumps on Vitaly's neck and quietly asks: "Где ты был?" ("Where have you been?")

„Я расскажу тебе все позже." Snake replies, quietly pushing the girl away from him. ("I'll tell you everything later.")

Suddenly, Lev also arrives at the stairs and asks: "Ирина, с кем ты разговоряешь?" ("Irina, who are you talking to?")

Irina turns to Lev and says, "Это Виталий. Он вернулся." ("It's Vitaly. He came back.")

Lev frowns and comes down the stairs with Thani and asks, "Откуда мне знать, что это действительно Виталий?" ("How do I know it's really Vitali?")

"Snake?" suddenly comes from behind Lev, and Snake looks behind Lev and asks, "How many times has Lev tried to kill you?"

"So far we have reached something like a truce, armored."

"Лев? Перемирие?" Snake asks, raising an eyebrow. ("Lev? Truce?")

„Ты действительно думаешь, что я не в состоянии заключить перемирие с твоим напарником?"Lev asks, raising an eyebrow. ("Do you really think I'm incapable of making a truce with your partner?")

„Вы уже не смогли заключить перемирие со Снаковской мафией." replies Snake, rolling his eyes. ("You have not been able to conclude a truce with the Snakov mafia.")

„Такое дерьмо случается, когда ты закладываешь бомбу с моими отпечатками пальцев в подвал поместья." Lev answers, crossing his arms over his chest. ("Shit like that happens when you plant a bomb with my fingerprints in the manor's basement.")

"What the hell?" Than asks, frowning.

"When Vitali was younger, he planted a bomb with Levi's fingerprints in the base of the Snakov mafia," Irina explains quietly.

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