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When dawn arrives,  Shadow walks to Scale and asks, "Is the agreement still in force?"

"You're still hurt, Shadow," Scale mutters sleepily.

Shadow sighs quietly and sends a reproachful look at Scale until Scale stands up and asks, "Does Lily know?"

"Enough," Shadow replies, looking into the distance.

Scale quietly lights a cigarette and walks a sleepy step toward the car, saying, "I hope you know what you're doing."

"Adrian Blanchet," Shadow mutters as he sits in the back seat.

"What do you want from a Frenchman?" Scale asks, swinging towards Shadow.

"He has something I need," Shadow mutters, looking toward the window.

"And you have Lily Black," Scale says.

"Lily is not the answer to everything. We both know that, "says Shadow, adjusting the cape.

"True, but, Lily is a great way to get solutions to everything," says Scale, shrugging.

"Hardly," Shadow mutters.

"And Adrian is then?" Scale asks, raising an eyebrow.

"And what if he is?" Shadow asks, looking at Scale.

"You know, it could have been a lot easier to do this," Scale mutteres, poking the smoke back into his mouth.

"If you're referring to what I expect you're referring to, you're unfortunately disappointed," Shadow says, bowing over his knife.

"At least Hunter Than is happy to hear that," Scale muttered, putting his hand back on the wheel.

"Than ... Than is ... always prone to stuffing his nose into my stuff," Shadow says.

"Why can't he take care of you?" Scale asks, looking at the girl.

Shadow sighs quietly. The reasons were found.

Secrets, past, weapons, girl's personal ethics.

Not to mention his wounds.

Her body was covered with knife wounds that always reminded her of her angry battles with herself.

She even liked to wear some of them with pride.

But to explain it to Scale ...

Not to mention Than ....

The girl couldn't afford it.

So, Shadow turns away from Scale and watches the woods run through her eyes.

"WHERE IS SHE ?!" Than's enraged voice echoes downstairs.

Marc runs upstairs and mutters, "My queen ..."

"Than, when you found Kro, you don't have to shout it all over Wendel," Lily says, shouting.

Than walks over to Lily, who fools up and asks, "Was there a reason? Or did you just want to shout? "

"Where's Shadow?" Than asks, waiting for Lily to walk.

"Darn it," Lily mutters, shrugging her shoulders.

"Lily ..." Than begins to say.

"Confidentiality. Do you know what that word means? "Lily asks from Than.

"Black bloom, don't  go there," Than says.

"Than ..." Lily tries to say.

"..... Shadow wanted that. Not me, "says Lily trying to stop Than.

Than stops in the middle of the room and asks, "Why, Lily?"

"Because that's her decision, Than," Lily says, shrugging.

"Like you've chosen to ignore Kro," Than mutters, putting smoke in his mouth.

"Shadow has always shown me loyalty. I've never had a reason not to trust her, "says Lily.

Than looks away from Lily and asks, "But why did she run away again, black flower? Doesn't she trust me? "

Lily shakes her head and says, "She doesn't trust anyone, Than. Not in that sense. "

"Do you know why?" Than asks.

"Everyone has their own reasons, Than. I don't know Shadow's. You probably don't want to know. Unless she agrees to tell me about them herself. But knowing her ... "

"She wouldn't tell anyone about it," Than mutters.

Lily shakes her head sleepily and asks, "Was there anything else?"

"Not that I know of ..." Than says, shrugging.

"In what sense, don't you know exactly ...?" Lily asks, frowning.

Snake then comes to Lily and says, "We have a problem, Lily."

"Do you also lack the necessary information?" Lily asks, looking at Snake.

"Unfortunately, yes. The next sudden attack on our city has taken place. This time from the west, "Snake explains.

"Already a new attack?" Lily asks, massaging her episodes.

"Seems so. And it's relatively strong, "says Snake, looking at Than.

"Than, you know what to do," says Lily.

"What do you need?" Than asks, turning to Snake.

"The usual. With a firearm, we could neutralize their leader, "says Snake.

"Listen, I really don't have to give it to you right now," Than says, swearing softly.

"Are you kidding ?!" Snake asks in bewilderment.

Than looks at Snake and says, "Obviously ."

"Fuck you! The whole city has had a misconception and I should be kidding about it? "Snake asks with some fun and anger.

"Snake, we don't have to kill each other because of... that! And Than, when was the last time you ordered equipment for Snake's arsenal? "Lily asks, looking at both men in a dark look.

"I order Snake and everything else as I always do. Double the amount in the first 10 days of each month. And then the usual amount for the next two weeks. Like clockwork. Of course, Shadow will also help me equip my weapons when orders arrive, so you won't hear a word about the lack of equipment, "explains Than, poking the smoke back in his mouth.

"And usually everything works, Snake?" Lily asks, looking at Snake.

"Yes," Snake confirms, adjusting his jacket.

"Now the question arises, when is this" normal "situation broken?" Lily mutters, looking at Snake.

Snake and Than look at each other suspiciously, and Lily sighs angrily and asks, "I guess I'm left with nothing but to hold a meeting, right?"

Snake nods quietly and says, "I'll let Storm know."

Lily nods quietly and hurries angrily, "And damn it, put Electra to work or else ..."

Snake nods and says, "Don't worry. Storm went to talk to her this morning. "

"And leave Kro and Shadow alone! Do you understand? "Lily asks as she walks between the boys.

Queen of Wendel: WarlikeWhere stories live. Discover now