Love and lust

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„Вы мне обещали!" Adrian hisses angrily into the phone, stomping back and forth across the room. ("You promised me!")

Then there is silence for a while and Adrian says: „Если бы она только знала. Она никогда не простит меня." ("If she only knew. She would never forgive me.")

Suddenly, a hoarse male voice also comes from the phone: „И с какой стати ей нужны объяснения? Она изначально должна была умереть." ("Why on earth does she need an explanation? She was originally supposed to die.")

„Она не была моей, чтобы убить! Что мне теперь делать?" asks Adrian, lowering his hands. ("She was not mine to kill! What should I do now?")

„Придерживаться плана." ("Stick to the plan.")

„А что с ней?" Adrian asks quietly. ("What about her?")

„Генезис разберется с ней." says the male voice again, and Adrian hangs up the phone. ("Genesis will deal with her.")

Lily quietly steps out from behind the shadows and says, "Adrian Blanchet."

Adrian quietly turns to Lily and asks, "How much did you hear?"

Lily smirks to herself and mutters, "What I didn't hear all about....On your knees.

"Excuse me?" Adrian asks, frowning.

"On your knees," says Lily quietly.

Adrian swallows quietly and quietly sinks to his knees, and Lily says, "Who were you talking to?"

Adrian looks away from the girl and Lily stares at the boy quietly and says, "You're an assassin. Kazmer Viktor Genesis's. Yes?'

Adrian lowers his head and then raises it to Lily and asks, "And what would you get for it if you had it?"

"Answer when asked," says Lily quietly.

"What happens if I don't answer?" Adrian asks looking at Lily.

"What happens if you answer?" Lily asks, handing Adrian the whip.

"Please, I've already lost almost everything..."

"Not enough," mutters Lily, looking away.

"Lily, you don't understand," Adrian says, biting his lip.

"What don't I understand?" Lily asks, shooting a sharp look at Adrian.

Adrian bites his lip quietly and says, "I love him, Lily. More than I can describe it. But I want him to have everything. Above all, safety."

Lily shakes her head to herself and says, "There's a difference between love and lust, Adrian Blanchet."

"Oh yeah? And what's the matter between you and Kro then?" Adrian hisses angrily.

Lily chuckles softly and walks away, glancing at him at the door and saying, "You're pathetic."

Adrian lowers his head and says, "I'll tell you everything. But I need some time."

Lily stops once more and glares at the boy, "Last chance."

Adrian nods softly and replies, "I won't let you down."

Lily grunts softly and walks back towards her house.

Shadow stands quietly under the window and gazes silently towards the great stone castle of Genesis. It has been a few days since he ascended the throne. She had become the heir to the throne of Nikita Nadege Genesis, Kazmer Viktor Genesis, and the Isis Empire.

However, the people next to him tended to disappear one after another, and no attack had been organized yet. There were also rumors about her people who tended to doubt her power, but this did not deter the girl.

Kro, who stood by Nikita's side every day and gave her advice and trained her, sensed a rebellious danger in the girl. Apparently, he was the only one among all the others who saw what the girl was trying to deny herself. And to be honest, it didn't work out the best for her. Only a few times Ivan Dubljanski was able to convince her. He had become like Hunter Than's replacement.

And Ivan knew it, but he let the girl be free.

"Why did Alina leave me?" Nikita asks, looking at Ivan.

"Alina has always been difficult. But she has never let treachery get in the way of her work. But who knows, maybe she got the taste of betrayal in her mouth... and she enjoyed it," answers Ivan, shrugging his shoulders.

"No. Alina is stronger than that. She has to. I still need her!" says Nikita, looking at her knife.

Ivan walks up to the girl and says: "Leave it! You have people who are ready to crawl on their knees for you."

"Interesting, though, where do you find these people?" Nikita asks, shaking her head.

"Nikita, I gave you my word," says Ivan, grabbing the girls' wrists.

"Your word is worth as much as the word of every other person in this castle!" Nikita hisses back.

"I'm on your side," replies Ivan stroking the girl's hand.

Nikita swallows quietly and asks, "What is the value of your word?"

With two fingers, Ivan lifts the girl's chin to the same height as hers and says, "This whole empire you've wanted for yourself... will finally be yours."

"This is my empire. Isn't it?'' asks Nikita, frowning.

Ivan shakes his head and answers, "Not yet. But it will be yours. For us."

But Nikita lets go of his hand and mutters, "He gave me his word..."

Ivan frowns and Nikita angrily storms down the hall and rushes to the throne room and slams his black oak carved scepter on the ground and yells, "Get everything ready! Our next attack is Egypt and other African mafias!"

"But Genesis says..." a voice is heard from the back corner of the throne room, but Nikita angrily grabs a silver pistol from next to her throne and without even blinking an eye drops the booster and casts a cold look at the whole army, who fearfully, holding themselves back towards the doors of the throne room.

But Nikita is faster and glances at the doormen and says in a low voice: „Закройте двери." ("Close the doors.")

and in a moment the big heavy doors are closed behind her and Nikita walks quietly to her throne and slides her hand over its velvet back and then turns to the people standing in the hall and says, "It hasn't even been two days... and already the people who elected me are questioning my free will."

The men in front of her look down in embarrassment, and Nikita places her hand in front of her and says, "But I hope that in the future I can overcome all your doubts about me."

"What's our next plan?" ask the men, some of whom are standing in front of them, kneeling down in front of the girl.

Nikita smiles to herself and replies, "I'm glad you asked. We take on the world. This time forever. The world becomes the heart of the assassin empire."

The assassins look at each other and Ivan steps next to the girl and says, "You're taking the world."

"Yes, this will be my revenge on everyone who ever doubted me," Nikita answers quietly.

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