Trust in you

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Irina looks at Alina and says: "Why did you leave, Alina?"

"I was tempted," Alina answers quietly, pulling her dark cape tighter around herself.

"With freedom?" Irina asks, frowning.

Than walks closer to the girl and says, "I don't think she would have gotten her freedom from here."

Alina nods quietly and says quietly, "It's true."

"How did you know?" Irina asks, looking at Thani.

"People want to be worth more than they appear to be. Especially since they haven't had it." Than replies as he loads his pistol.

"Lev would have given you anything!" Irina bursts out a little grumpily.

"Lev would have given you anything. Not for me," Alina corrects while fixing her hair.

"Then not." Irina answers in a dark voice and casts a reassuring look at Alina and says: "I'll go and talk to her, Alyosha."

„Ты уверен?" Alina asks, frowning. ("Are you sure?")

„Я хочу драться рядом с тобой, Алина. Всегда." says Irina, squeezing Alina's wrist. ("I want to fight beside you, Alina. Always,")

„Как и я." Alina answers quietly. ("As do I.")

Arriving at the airport, Storm notices how the sky is covered with a black blanket and swallows quietly.

"Are you okay?" Scale asks, looking at the girl.

Storm nods quietly and takes the children's hands and says, "Haven't seen a night this dark in a long time."

Scale casts a doubtful glance at the sky and says, "I guess not."

Mira looks thoughtfully at Myles and wraps her arms around her brother, as if sensing something bad is coming.

"What's wrong Mira?" Storm asks as she crouches next to her worried daughter, but suddenly she hears gunshots in the distance and Scale yells, "Storm, run!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Storm grabs the kids around and runs up the plane stairs and tries to open the door, but falls limply against the stair handle and yells back, "It's stuck!"

Scale quickly fires one shot and runs to the trunk of the car, yelling, "Catch!"

Storm quietly grabs the metal lever and tries to pry the door open, but loses her balance and falls down the stairs.

"What the hell!" Scale yells, looking behind him.

Storm looks at Scale and asks, "What's the matter?"

Scale quickly fires one shot and runs to the trunk of the car, yelling, "Catch!"

Storm quietly grabs the metal lever and tries to pry the door open, but loses her balance and falls down the stairs.

"What the hell!" Scale yells, looking behind him.

Storm looks at Scale and asks, "What's the matter?"

But Scale doesn't answer, he points his gun at the doorknob and shouts: "Run! Until you have feet!"

Storm runs to the door, and the young light-headed pilot nervously opens the doors for them and asks: "Où aller ?"

"En France, Nice," Storm replies as she places the children in their seats. („In France, Nice.")

The pilot nods without saying a word and says: "Faire attention! Il peut y avoir des problèmes de décollage." (Be careful! There may be problems taking off.")

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