Heading back to Wendel

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When Lily reaches the yard, she notices Scale outside, who says, "Lily Black!"

"Scale," Lily says, putting on a serious expression.

"Tell the others we're leaving soon," Scale replies quietly.

Lily nods quietly and shouts from the door, "Than!"

Than runs to the stairs and asks, "What's up, Black Flower?"

"Collect it all! We're going to Wendel." Lily shouts loudly.

"There's only one way to do it!" Than shouts back.

"You don't say," Lily mumbles quietly and puts her hands over her ears, listening to the muffled shot pierce the wall.

When she opens her ears, the crowd starts to move from the house towards the car and Lily stares thoughtfully towards the door when she suddenly feels Kro gently rub her shoulder and place his head over hers.

"Scale is waiting for us," says Lily.

"So we're doing it?" Kro asks quietly.

"Do what?" Lily asks, looking down.

"Take over the world?" Kro asks, raising an eyebrow.

"We don't take anything. We will hand over this empire," Lily replies.

"To whom?" Kro asks, frowning.

"As a rule, to our descendants. In this case, I would like you to help me make it happen. Because I can't do it alone." says Lily swallowing.

Kro nods quietly and says, "For that, we need to go to Wendel first and play out our plan properly."

"No." replies Lily.

"No?" Kro asks.

"If we play, it can only mean one thing." Lily says, aiming at Tan.

"War. Chaos. Destruction." Kro replies.

"A takeover of ghosts and their surroundings." replies Lily.

"Through war, chaos and destruction." Kro adds.

"If not peacefully, yes." Lily says as she gets into the car.

Kro sighs to himself and sits down next to Lily, who has settled herself in the seat nearest the window in the back row.

Shadow sits down quietly next to Kro, quietly starting to sharpen his knife blade as Lily taps twice on the side of his car.

"Straps on! It's going to be a wild ride!" Scale shouts over the car.

Lily bosses quietly, "If this ride gets too wild, a knife will fly right into his ear."

Than chuckles to himself and asks: "Maybe the bullet's a faster way."

"Revenge is mine. Above all." Lily replies in a dark voice.

"Try to calm down, Lily." Kro says, putting his hand on the girl's thigh.

"Touch my thigh one more time and your wrist will fly off." Lily replies nervously.

"Leave her alone, Kro." Shadow booms without looking away from her knife.

Lev puts his arm around Alina, who has been stubbornly listening to all this, and says: "They're not serious, Alyosha."

Than grins quietly and turns to Alina and says: "Oh, don't worry. They're deadly serious in these situations."

Alina moves closer to Levi and Than says quietly, "Welcome to the service of Lily Black."

Alina nods quietly and pouts pale: "Pleasure."

Queen of Wendel: Shadows of the FallenWhere stories live. Discover now