Wicked games

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"Tell me what you see?" Lily asks walking up to Storm.

"It's a trick, right?" Storm asks, taking Mira into her arms.

"Tell me what you see," Lily says as she sits down in her chair.

"Lily Black, sitting in my husband Vitali Snakov's armchair," Storm says with a shrug.

Lily nods quietly and waits for Storm to sit next to her on the couch and ask, "What's the matter?"

"I assume you've come to an agreement with Mr. Blanchet," Lily says as she adjusts her jacket.

"Speaking of which... Adrian wanted to speak with you personally." Storm says opening the computer.

"Now?" Lily asks quietly.

"As soon as possible," Storm snaps and quietly turns on the camera and says, "He should be here soon."

Hopefully it won't take long." Lily mutters quietly looking at the computer screen.

As the computer slowly starts to rattle, Adrian can be seen quietly sitting in front of the computer screen and saying: "Liliana Elizabeth Ferecci."

"Adrian Blanchet," Lily says, ignoring Adrian's comment.

"I assume you'll be waiting for my response as Beaumont in terms of military action," says Adrian.

"We'll decide that if you agree to attend the Wendel War Council meeting," says Lily, glaring at Adrian.

"So, you want to know if I can be trusted?" Adrian asks, playing with his fingers.

"The Beaumont Mafia is part of the allied forces of the Wendel City State. Since the entire Allied army knows nothing about agreeing to participate in the war, I need to know: are you ready to act behind Gabriel Beaumont's back as a representative of the Beaumont mafia?" Lily explains without ever looking at the camera.

"I'm willing to do it if you're willing to lie to Gabriel," Adrian says.

 „Arrête la merde, Adrian! Si quelqu'un doit s'assurer que Gabriel se tient à l'écart de ça, ce devrait être toi. Pas Lily, ni Storm ni personne d'autre." Marc suddenly interrupts. („Cut the crap, Adrian! If anyone's gotta make sure Gabriel stays out of this, it should be you. Not Lily or Storm or anyone else.")

„Marc? Vous faites aussi partie de cette guerre maintenant ?"Adrian asks, raising an eyebrow.  („Marc? Are you also part of this war now?")

„Pourquoi ne devrais-je pas être? Je fais partie de l'équipe de Lily Black maintenant." Marc asks, raising an eyebrow. („Why shouldn't I be? I'm part of the Lily's team now.")

„Rien. Cela semble juste bizarre que depuis que vous avez tué votre famille, vous cherchiez refuge derrière un autre chef de la mafia. Garder en vie le rôle de pion de votre chef mafieux." says Adrian with slight arrogance. ("Nothing. It just seems weird that ever since you killed your family, you've been seeking refuge behind another mob boss. Keep alive the pawn role of your mafia boss.")

„Les mecs! Arrêter! Vous devriez travailler ensemble et non vous évaluer." ("Guys! Stop! You should work together, not assess each other.") Storm admonishes them wearily.

"Egos out of balance?" Lily asks looking at Storm.

"How do you...?" Storm asks, frowning.

"Their tone of voice says it all. You don't necessarily need to understand the language for that," says Lily, looking away.

"What would you like me to tell him?" Storm asks looking at the computer.

"They wouldn't listen to you," Lily says, turning the computer screen towards her.

Queen of Wendel: WarlikeWhere stories live. Discover now