Bumping into a snake

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Survival was my only hope, success my only revenge.

Snake walks to the far side of the park and presses a knife to the neck of a man sitting on a park bench and says, "Back in the wormhole, Ivan."

Ivan grabs Snake's arm, but Snake pulls him over the shoulder with a hard punch and slams his head against the stone fountain, hissing, "But you know...your family never learned. Or you simply have already forgotten all your broken promises."

"Snakov. You still alive. I thought I got rid of you two scumbags a long time ago," puffs Ivan in response.

"Enough with your sweet talk. "Why did you come back?" Snake asked, tying Ivan's hands.

"If you think I came for you..." Ivan growls.

"For me, screw you. I know you have bigger fish to catch. But I guarantee you won't catch that fish." Snake says grabbing the boy's hair.

"Why do you think I have to report to you?" Ivan asks, spitting blood.

"I heard somewhere that confessing your sins before you die is supposed to have a kind of liberating effect," says Snake.

"The only sin I regret is not getting rid of your entire dynasty," Ivan snaps angrily.

Snake sends a venomous grimace in his direction and glances at the man's hands and asks, "Women shouldn't be tortured. Didn't your mommy ever tell you about this...?... Oh right, I shot him. My mistake."

Ivan starts throwing harder and Snake says, "You have stab wounds from someone very important to me on your hands. The person you've probably tortured, beaten and... raped by now. Am I right?"

Ivan stops throwing and asks, "Who told you?"

Snake chuckles quietly and says, "Oh,please. This is not an art - reading open books. Just pick it up and read."

Ivan bows his head guiltily and says, "The Genesis Empire needs a successor."

"They just got one?" Snake asks with a frown.

"That's right... Nadja passed all the necessary tests, except for one..." mutters Ivan.

"So what did she not go through?" Snake asks.

"Genesis does not tolerate women on the throne. Or a lower sex," answers Ivan.

"So... you tried to sneak up on the girl and bully her... doing all that to her," says Snake.

"Genesis then..." Snake starts to say.

"Yes. He did not recognize Nikita Nadege Genesis as his daughter. Nor Alina," answers Ivan.

Snake huffs softly and sits down on a park bench, muttering, "Well, shit..."

Ivan nods quietly and Snake finishes, "Now if I only believed you..." and gives Ivan a hard punch to the temple and mutters, "Let Nikita have you."

But as soon as Snake stands up, he notices the men with pistols gathered around him and mutters, "Sly move, Dubljanski," then turns to the men and declares, arms outstretched, "Let's play some more."

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