Finale of war

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Ruslan stares at the wall for a moment and shouts: "They are coming!"

Lily takes a deep breath and says, "Let them."

Snake looks at Lily and says, "We can always go with the other option."

Lily shakes her head and says with a frown, "We wouldn't be better than her."

Snake opens his mouth but immediately closes it and mutters, "Yes, my queen."

Lily hums thoughtfully and gracefully steps out from behind the wall and walks towards the bushes in the distance, where she spots Than and says, "Remember, one wrong move and we'll be the instigators of the war, not Genesis."

"I assume you have a plan, black flower," Than says.

Lily casts a worried glance in Nikita's direction. For her, the girl had embraced her demonic side, which wasn't necessarily the worst option, but probably not the best either.

 For her, the girl had embraced her demonic side, which wasn't necessarily the worst option, but probably not the best either

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However, Lily wasn't the one who should have said what was right for Nikita... or rather Shadow. Yet, she also couldn't shake the guilt that she hadn't told her everything before.

But even that wouldn't have made a difference, they'd all told Lily.

However, Lily had someone she could lean on. And who he had now lost.

Shadow probably didn't have it when Adrian drove him away.

Despite this, Lily watches frozen as everyone pulls out their weapons and aims them at Nikita.

Someone on the sidelines also stares intently at Lily, even making Lily flinch in fear for a moment.

"Liliana Elizabeth Ferecci." echoes across the battlefield.

"Get ready," Snake mutters to the others and everyone raises their weapons, but Lily's hand rises firmly and says, "Nikita Nadege Genesis. The Queen of Shadows and the rightful heir to the throne of Kazmer Viktor Genesis and Isis Genesis."

"You are braver than I admit to being brave," says Nikita as he walks into the middle of the battlefield.

Lily walks closer to the girl, and the soldiers step closer to her, and Irina fires the first shot at one of the men.

Lily swallows quietly and says, "I didn't come here to fight."

Nikita raises her eyebrow and says, "So you chose to publicly execute yourself? I have to admit that I admire your courage to arrive with your army like this on your slaughterhouses."

"Neither your threats nor anyone else's would make me resist death like this. I come here with an offer." Lily says looking darkly into the girl's eyes and continues, "My offer is simple, you either kill me and start a war with the world or...give me a chance to talk about other terms, Shadow."

Nikita's gaze pales as Lily raises the revolver in the girl's hand above her black shirt and says, "I admit I've hidden a lot from you, even though I promised not to. I knew your position and perhaps even abused it to some extent."

"So you knew who Kazmer Viktor Genesis is? And that he is also my father! You've been hiding all this from me then?!" Nikita hisses, thrusting his other knife into the girl's eye.

Tears glisten in Lily's eyes as she says, "I know who Kazmer Viktor Genesis is. Only knowledge of what was known to everyone else had reached me. But it never occurred to me that he could be related to you in any way. Not to mention that he owned such an empire... I had no idea that the feud between our families had started such a rift!"

"And yet, you chose to hide it from me all these years!" Shadow hisses, eyes flashing with tears.

"Yes. Because... because... because I hoped to escape it by throwing myself into the bosom of pain. And to use your pain for something other than acknowledging the whole thing. And probably if it weren't for this war, I'd still be doing it because that's just the way I am. I've had the time of my life. And now, I'm just asking you for one thing." says Lily, feeling her whole body shake.

Shadow swallows a sob and asks, "What do you want from me?"

Lily stares at Shadow quietly and whispers, "Kill me."

Shadow shakes her head again and Lily closes her eyes and says in a louder voice, "Kill me Shadow."

Shadow nods quietly and reaches her hand towards the trigger and tries to pull it quietly, but suddenly feels Than step closer to the girl and nods quietly.

Shadow feels her finger pull the trigger, but as soon as the trigger clicks the gun fires back and Lily panics at her chest, only to notice Shadow lying on the ground and painfully crawls towards him and throws off his shirt, wrapping it tightly around the girl, listening , as Shadow grabs the girl tightly and whispers, "I'm sorry, Lily.... I.. I.. I'm so sorry. It's not your fault..."

Lily pushes the girl tighter and asks, "What made you change your mind?"

Shadow breathes to himself and whispers, "When I had everything, I was more miserable than ever. And now... that I have nothing, I've never been happier."

Lily nods softly and says, "I have a dying person in my arms and I've never felt such relief."

Shadow laughs softly and closes her eyes.

Lily, on the other hand, takes the girl to Than, and the rest of the team moves back towards the Snakov mansion.

And the army, was declared disbanded a few hours later. Everyone who had ever wanted freedom had gotten it.

And with that, the war between Mafias and Assassins was declared over.

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