Put your trust in me

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Before leaving, Irina quietly walks towards Snake and asks, „Как вы думаете, ей можно доверять?" ("Do you think she can be trusted?")

„Почему бы мне не доверять ей?" Snake asks, looking at Irina. ("Why shouldn't I trust her?")

"Потому что я этого не делаю." Irina answers, moving closer to Snake. ("Because I don't.")

„Я никогда не просил тебя доверять мне, Ирина." Lily replies as she steps closer to the two of them. ("I never asked you to trust me, Irina.")

„Тогда почему вы полагаете, что все вокруг должны делать так, как вы говорите?" Irina asks slyly. ("Then why do you think that everyone around should do as you say?")

„Потому что в этой войне участвует и моя команда. Я делаю это для них. А может и для других." Lily says looking at Snake. ("Because my team is also participating in this war. I do it for them. And maybe for others.")

Snake looks back at Irina again and says, "I know it's hard, Irina. But Lily is on the same side as us. Believe me when I say that he can be trusted."

"And others? Am I the only one, then?" Irina asks worriedly.

"This is war, Irina. Supposedly everyone more alert than they usually are," replies Snake, heading towards the front hall.

"So you're going to ignore the fact that she's dangerous?" Irina asks angrily, grabbing Snake's hand.

Snake hisses in pain as the girl painfully pulls him towards her and says, "I know who she is."

"She kills people, that Lily of yours. Have you never thought about what started all these bloody wars?" Irina asks, pulling the boy towards her.

"So what?" Snake asks with a sigh.

"When Marcello Ferecci and Lucy Holt were killed. A whole chain of wars was broken and now... everyone is at war with each other. Revolutions are going on everywhere, and riots are bigger than ever before." Irina answers, catching the boy's eyes.

Snake stares at the girl with pursed lips and looks at Vasili, "Все готовы, Вася?" ("Are you ready, Vasya?")

Vassili nods and says: "Ирина со мной. Алина с Львом. А ты с Лили. А Руслан уже ушел." ("Irina is with me. Alina with Leo. And you're with Lily. And Ruslan has already left.")

Lily comes up to Snake and asks, "You ready?"

Vassili gives Snake a pointed look and says, "Make sure your trust in him doesn't destroy us."

Lily gives Snake a questioning look and Snake pulls the girl by the hand and says, "Come on. We need to kill Genesis."

Lily nods thoughtfully and mutters, "Yeah... yeah, sure."

Marc's eyes are fixed on the computer screen as Electra nervously drums her pen on the table and mutters, "To hell with it."

Marc nods to himself and says, "You've got at least 90% of their systems hacked."

"And the remaining 10% is still within reach of the Claytons," Electra answers, throwing the coffee cup in the corner.

"What are you planning to do?" Marc asks as he walks up to the girl.

"I need something... something... simple. But effective," says Electra, playing with her fingers.

"Something unavoidable?" Marc asks, slyly raising an eyebrow at Electra.

"I assume you have thoughts?" Electra says, sliding one hand over Marc's shoulder.

Marc grabs the girl's hand and whispers, "Propaganda."

"And how do we get it?" Electra asks, frowning.

"Hmm... I don't know. The data of all the tortured are in your hands," Marc whispers in Electra's ear, gently biting her there.

"Let me guess... the rest is all with you?" Electra asks, raising an eyebrow haughtily.

"Let's just say I managed to extort everything from the brother of Isis Genesis to help end this Ancient Egyptian tyranny," says Marc, shaking his head from side to side.

"How so?" Electra asks, shaking her head in confusion.

"A real Gauthier never reveals all his secrets," Marc replies with a smile.

"Do the Gauthiers make exceptions for their allies?" Electra asks, standing up.

"It depends on which allies we're talking about," Marc replies, spreading his arms.

"Let's say.. about me," Electra offers, smiling slyly at Marc.

"You already know me, Elena. You can get everything from me without any effort. And you know it. And now I know it too," answers Marc, pulling the girl into his arms.

"But... how do I do that?" Electra asks, looking at the boy.

"I don't know. Maybe you've somehow coded it into yourself secretly?'' Marc offers with a grin.

Electra gently places her hand on Marc's chest, listening to the heartbeat beneath it. They must have been the calmest heartbeats the girl had heard in over 19 years. The blows were even and probably in the same rhythm as the breathing, hiding warmth and a little emptiness that could come from the distance between them.

If she had put her heart against his, the room would have echoed with them. At least it should have been.

Electra had never thought of it that way. Maybe it would have been different though - the whole room would have been deafeningly loud heartbeats?

"What are you thinking about?" Marc asks, tucking a lock of her purple hair behind her ear.

"Why did you call me Elena?" Electra suddenly asks.

"Parce que j'aime ça comme ça," („Because I like it that way.") Marc replies and gently pushes the girl even closer to him, gently running his fingers over the girl's arm, smiling quietly as the girl's hand begins to tremble under his touch.

"Je veux tout," Marc whispers into the girl's ear. („I want it all.")

"What does that mean?" Electra asks quietly.

Marc quietly glances at the girl, clears his throat, and says, "We should get back to work now."

But Electra doesn't get up from her, and Marc, helping the girl off his lap, adds: "It means we need to win the war."

"Call Storm. We need to get all this information to the right people first," says Electra.

Marc nods quietly and begins to comm with Storm, but shakes his head in confusion and says, "We have a problem."

Electra glances at the screen and says, "Call Snake. Our communication systems are temporarily down! Let Snake transfer me to Storm."

"But Snake is in the Snakov mafia. What if the information ends up in the hands of the wrong people instead?" asks Marc demandingly.

"You underestimate me," says Electra, pushing the boy from his chair.

"Yes," Marc replies, patting himself clean.

"Don't," Electra replies and starts tapping the computer keys loudly and adds: "You start thinking up your own propaganda."

"Because every second counts," Marc mutters, looking at the screens.

"We're lucky if it's a second. Not a millisecond," answers Electra.

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