I want to be the best

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Did you get the package?" Snake asks as he walks up to Storm.

"Even better. I already sent the order to you, which should be ordered." says Storm, putting his hands on his hips.

"You're still a character!" Snake mutters as he kisses Storm's forehead and says, "I'm going back now."

"Go, go. I have enough work here myself," says Storm, fumbling with his hand.

"Love you," Snake says from the doorway.

"Love you too," Storm mutters as she sits down at the table.

But as soon as Snake tries to close the door, Lily walks in and says, "I need to talk to you. And it affects both of you."

Snake gives Storm a questioning look, but Storm just looks at Lily doubtfully and says, "Shoot."

"Снейк, не мог бы ты очень ко мне домой позже?" Lily asks, turning to Snake. ("Snake, could you come by my house later?")

"Я буду там." Snake says with a nod. ("I'll be there.")

Storm looks back at Lily and asks, "Back to the question...?"

"First of all Storm, tell me what your task is," Lily says, leaning against the edge of the couch.

"Information collection and analysis. And management, control and analysis of international contracts and agreements," says Storm in a confused voice.

"And who are you supposed to gather this information for?" Lily asks quietly.

"For the Queen of Wendel and people related to her," Storm replies cautiously.

"Now that your priorities are in place, a question has arisen... Why has most of the necessary information, which should reach me, disappeared. Or disabled in some other way?'' asks Lily, her voice darkening.

"Excuse me?" Storm asks, slightly taken aback.

"Oh, so you know?" Lily asks, clenching her hand into a fist.

"I know what I know. And if I know something, then..." Storm begins to say cautiously.

"We are at war, Storm Snakov! And all the necessary information that would somehow help me figure out our next steps has been cut off because you haven't thought it necessary to share it with me."

"And you have proof?" Storm asks standing up.

"Do you really dare to question my authority? You should know that I have connections all over the world. And I have even more of them in and around Wendel Ghost Town." Lily replies disdainfully.

"And these sources tell you I can't be trusted? And that I somehow selfishly use this information?" asks Storm, stunned.

"Think about it. You have all the real information, of which you are the only one who has shared only bits and pieces of the "necessary" bits. For example, Adrian Blanchet on location. Or Kro. Who knows, maybe you'll find where Shadow is," says Lily, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You know the last time I saw Kro, you had just cut ties at the Mafia ball in Paris!" Storm barks desperately.

"I do not believe you. I can't believe you. Not when I know you're lying to me," says Lily quietly.

"Why would I lie to you?" Storm asks quietly.

"The throne of Wendel City has always seemed appealing to you. You were out to kill me and do everything possible to prevent me from getting out of here alive. And now that you have something that can help you get rid of me, it's somehow become even more appealing. Not to mention that now that Shadow and Kro are out of your way..." Lily explains quietly.

Queen of Wendel: WarlikeWhere stories live. Discover now