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"Your debts are unpaid." There is a quiet voice from the side of the street.

"My debts? Unpaid? "The young woman's voice asks, seemingly mocking the man's words quietly, even though not a word was heard from her lips.

"You know what I'm talking about! We had a pact, "the man's voice replies angrily.

She smiles to herself and asks, "Are you really pulling out this card? "We had a pact!"

The man pulls away from the woman in fright, but the woman's knife is already properly grasped and pressed firmly against the man's throat when he says, "There is no pact! Only your pathetic promise that you haven't been able to deliver lately. "

The man swallows and mutters, "I'm not too helpful to you when I'm dead, are I?"

"How could you help me?" The girl asks, pushing her hair forward.

"I know your story, Shadow. Your reputation, your leader, past, present and ethics. You are a professional who does not stop in front of anyone. You are the ruler of shadows and one of the best-known names in crime, who have solved many complex mysteries without leaving a trace, but still ... "

"You make me sound like a hero," says Shadow, pushing the knife down his throat.

"Aren't you?" The man asks, frowning.

"What would you get, if I were a hero?" Shadow asks, removing the knife from the man's neck.

"Answers to questions you've been asking yourself all your life," the man answers, rubbing his neck.

"Questions?" Shadow asks, stepping back into the shadows.

"The greatest secret hidden from you: Your story, your beginning. Who You really are. "The man answers, supporting the wall against himself.

"Why should that bother me?" Shadow asks, pushing an open lock of hair behind her ear.

"Because you don't know how long you can hide it from others. In what lies and wounds have you hid your pain. And now that a certain Hunter Than has shown interest in you, you have been torturing yourself more and more, hoping that he will leave. But I can help you with that. "

"Again, why should this bother me somehow?" Shadow asks as he walks over to the man.

"Everyone come from somewhere. But you ... no one knows anything about you ... not even you," the man says, walking closer to the girl.

"My place is in Wendel. Next to Lily Black, serving her. That's what's important to me. Everything else is irrelevant, even my past, present and future, "says Shadow.

"Don't deflect," the man says as he walks closer to the girl.

Shadow looks at the man with a skeptical look and says, "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you here right now."

"Because I have the first clue to find an answer to your question," the man says with a quiet smile.

"I'm listening," Shadow says, supporting herself against the wall.

"Eyes on me," the man says, turning the palm of her hand and holding her knife with intricate engravings, whispering, "Where Darkness and Light meet, the most precious jewel is hidden."

"Are you done?" Shadow asks, staring in the palm of her hand.

The man nods quietly, and Shadow grabs a small knife from her belt and pierces it coldly through the man's throat, "Now I'm going to be your nightmare."

The man looked at Shadow suspiciously and muttered, "I doubt it."

But Shadow doesn't hear it and disappears into the silent night darkness, listening quietly as people's quiet screams are buried in the deep night darkness, while her painful pain is buried under the soft and cold blanket of night darkness.

"Chaos is rising again, black bloom."

"Chaos, will rise when you bother me again ," Lily replies as she continues.

Than nods quietly and lights the smoke and says, "Shadow is still not back. And our prisoners are starting to get terribly annoying. "

"And whose fault is it?" Lily asks as she sits on the edge of the fountain.

Than smiles to himself and says, "I understand that Shadow and I are working together, but I promised the shady I wouldn't kill her spoils of war." But I don't know how long I can keep him. "

"Let Electra cause him a slight electric shock. It will hold him for a while, "says Lily.

"Are you really supporting Shadow in what she's doing ?!" Than asks, slightly upset.

"Shadow has never let me down. And I trust her. Because she trusts me, "Lily says as she pulls on her cape.

"What about Kro?" Than asks, looking at Lily.

"Why do you have to bother her here?" Lily asks.

"Because your empire is falling apart without him, black bloom," Than replies in a serious voice.

"Just like yours." Lily mutters in response and walks away.

Queen of Wendel: WarlikeWhere stories live. Discover now