Closing doors

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Shadow walks quietly down the corridor, staring at the pictures hanging on the walls.

There aren't that many of them. And if there is, it mostly features old men who were once strong and respected assassins that Shadow could call.

But that's the last thing on Shadow's mind.

Alina, Kro and now Adrian. How did the boy even know where Genesis would pick her up there? And where does the world-famous legend of the Shot Skeleton come from, about whom Adrian somehow knew everything too precisely?

The Shot Skeleton had never received so much attention.

So why now?

Shadow stands quietly by the wall in a more shady place and stares at the paintings hanging on the corridor.

But she can't stay there for long. Angry footsteps approach her, forcing the girl to hide, and the young woman's labored breathing, as if she had been strangled.

"You promised me!" the man yells angrily.

The woman lets go of his grip and says: "You are going to kill her. And that would not be what you promised your daughter!"

Shadow quietly frowns and continues to listen as the man says, "How do you know what I promised her?!"

"She's my daughter too!" she screams desperately.

"Looks like this lie is working on her!" Genesis yells angrily and angrily slams her against the wall.

"Don't forget that I made you somebody! Me!" she yells as she gets up and walks away.

Shadow gasps softly and disappears into a darker corner of the hallway, watching as Genesis angrily marches into his office.

So there's something.

And that something needs to be figured out.

But right now it is necessary to play with fire.

"Do you have a moment?" Shadow asks as she slides through the door.

Genesis looks up from the papers and turns to Shadow, "Why do you think there shouldn't be?"

"I heard screaming from the hallway. I just wanted to know why." Shadow stammers quietly.

"Nadja, you don't have to worry about it. Disobedience is everywhere," says Genesis.

"Why shouldn't I? We're still talking about me taking over your throne one day." Shadow asks, frowning.

"I'm glad you brought it up. Because you can do it soon," says Genesis quietly.

"Pretty soon?" Shadow asks with a frown.

"It's time for a new Genesis," Genesis says quietly.

"For a new one?" Shadow asks quietly.

"Are you ready to receive everything you deserve?" Genesis asks, looking Shadow straight in the eye.

Shadow looks away thoughtfully and says, "If I accept this, I'll be trapped in tyranny forever. I would no longer be who I was meant to be."

"Yes, most likely. And very dangerous. But this... This is what you've been looking for all your life. Come and get it."

"Okay," Shadow says quietly.

When Lily gets up from the sofa and opens the door, she flies to the ground.

"Snake!" Storm complains quietly.

"Fuck! Are you all right, Lily?" Snake asks, holding out his hand to Lily.

Queen of Wendel: Shadows of the FallenWhere stories live. Discover now