When we would fight together...

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When everyone gets back to the base, Lev goes to talk with his gang, and Lily quietly sits under the windowsill and sighs softly.

Snake quietly sits across from Lily and asks, "Are you okay?"

" There are too many discords here, Snake. It's like I'm trying to put together the right picture from completely wrong pieces," says Lily, spreading her arms.

"You're tired, Lily. And I would wonder. The start of this war is dragging on like rubber," says Snake.

"I'm going to crash, Snake," Lily whispers, barely audible.

"I can see that. You look like shit, Lily Black." Snake says.

Muttering to herself, Lily stands up and says, "Call Adrian. I need to talk to him."

"I'll call him tomorrow. You need to sleep." Snake says sitting on the couch.

"No. I have to... there has to be a solution here!" Lily answers, shaking her head.

Snake glares at her as she tries to stand up and puts her hands on the arms of the chair and says, "I don't care. You can't even hold yourself up properly. You need to rest a little."

Lily sighs to herself and asks, "Is this getting us anywhere? Or are you just wasting my time?"

"Whose side do you think I'm on?" Snake asks, raising an eyebrow.

"If you were wise, yourself. About something... I'm not sure about all the circumstances, you're on my side," Lily answers.

"So I'm stupid to fight on your side?" Snake asks raising an eyebrow.

"Why did you start fighting on my side in the first place?" Lily asks turning around.

"I think youknow that," Snake says.

"Not really," Lily replies, looking the boy in the eye.

"Lily..?" Snake asks.

"Look, I'm not here to say who's stupid and who's smart. In fact, there shouldn't be such people in the world, but that's another, if not third, topic..." explains Lily.

"Where do you want to go with this?" Snake asks stopping the girl.

"What made you bury your birthright and run away?" Lily asks.

"When I saw what power turned people around me into. My family, Lev, Alina, Vasili, Ruslan, Irina. Everything that seemed so insignificant to a person in power - It was not at all what you had expected. Power is a terrible thing, Lily Black. It takes everything. Indiscriminately," says Snake.

"Alina doesn't see it that way, Snake. She would like to, but he can't see it," Lily replies.

Snake nods quietly and says, "Genesis has a knack for turning people against each other."

"And we can do that too. But that's only if we get the real truth from Alina. And we can fight Levi himself," says Lily.

"What are you up to Lily?" Snake asks.

"Before I talk to Adrian, I need to find out what Than knows. There may be something hidden there that will make us destroy this empire," says Lily, adjusting the rings.

"And how do you know Than and Adrian aren't lying to us?" Snake asks with a frown.

"Speculation like this will get us nowhere, Snake. The time for speculation is over. It's time for us to start taking action quietly," complains Lily.

"So what do we do?" Snake asks.

"Contact Storm. If we're going to nail Genesis, we need to know where and how hard to aim without too many casualties," Lily orders.

"If I do..could you do me a favor?" Snake asks as he steps closer to the girl.

"Why do I get the feeling I don't like this?" Lily asks pulling away from the boy.

"You will sleep in my room, in my bed, while I contact Storm and try to find out about the other team members." Snake replies.

Lily nods quietly and mumbles, "I really need to think about some things..."

Snake smirks to himself and picks up the half asleep girl in his arms and walks her to his room, placing her quietly on his bed as he exits the room.

Stepping into the corridor, he hears Than talking softly to Lev and steps closer to the men to hear the conversation better.

"You don't trust Alina," Lev replies, glaring at Snake.

"I have not said that I do not trust. I  am  merely doubting in her intentions, that's all," Than answers, looking at Snake.

"You're not the only one," Snake replies, walking next to Than.

"Alina knows what she's doing," Lev answers firmly.

"Lily thinks she doesn't ," replies Snake.

"Lily doesn't know everything," Lev answers, narrowing his eyes.

"But she knows power. And what it does to people," says Snake.

"Alina has only wanted one thing - freedom," mutters Lev.

"Under the right conditions, even the worst wordsmith could turn freedom into an irresistible thirst for power. And I think we can all agree that none of us are unbreakable," says Snake.

Lev shakes his head to himself and says, "I love her, Vitali."

"We still have some cards to play, Lev. Lily has a plan." Snake says, a green glow in his eyes.

"So what do we do?" asks Lev, crossing his arms over his chest.

"We need to know the reasons for this war. And who are the victims and who are the criminals in this. And who stand for the good of the world," says Snake.

"And you say that Lily can help us with this," says Lev, pacing back and forth across the room.

"Adrian too," Snake quickly adds.

"I highly doubt it," Than mumbles, rubbing his eyes.

"He has no choice. He has to." Snake replies.

"Don't forget that he has let us down many times," Than mutters, looking intently at Irina.

"Not anymore," Snake mutters.

"Not if we'll work together," Lev replies, looking at Snake.

Snake laughs quietly and reaches out for Lev, and Lev grabs the boy's hand and says, "It's completely reckless what we're doing."

"Great. Because that's what we need - A pinch of chaos, mixed with hot-bloodedness and heartache." replies Snake with a grin.

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