Revival of the Snakovs

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"What should we do?" Irina asks urgently.

Snake glances in Lily's direction and Lily mutters, "Like I'm supposed to have any thoughts..."

"Melee would be one of the alternatives right now," Ruslan offers quietly.

Suddenly, someone taps Lily on the shoulder, and the girl mumbles, "Adrian, this better be important."

"St. Petersburg has reached the perimeters of Snakov's mafia base and..." Adrian begins to explain.

"What about Arsenal? Is there any way to access it?" asks Than, pushing Adrian into a corner.

"We're surrounded by rebels, Ivan Dubljanski is planning an attack on us, and your biggest concern is access to the arsenal?" Snake asks, raising an eyebrow.

"You can never have too many Arsenals," Vassili murmurs quietly.

"Are these riots widespread?" Lily asks.

"Very much so. In all the countries inhabited by people under the Genesis dictatorship, there are large-scale riots. Electra just sent me a fifth scale war warning."

"And what about her?" Lily asks with a frown.

"The physical and mental condition is currently unknown. But in terms of information warfare, all possible systems are blocked...." replies Adrian, regaining his breath.

"What do you mean...?" mutters Lily.

"It doesn't mean anything..." Adrian says.

"Electra has reached that point." Lily says looking at Snake.

"Precision and timing are not my main focuses in situations like this," Snake mutters evilly.

"Excuse me, but what does 'getting to this point' mean?" Adrian asks, frowning.

"Chaos," Than replies as he loads a new weapon.

"Electra starts to create a unique system of numbers and characters, creating complex codes, with which it can hack into other systems without leaving anything behind and, if necessary, take over. But there's a catch."

"A catch? What kind of catch?" asks Adrian suspiciously.

"Because this type of code is very difficult to create, he only creates it for a very short period of time. For about 5-6 hours," explains Lily.

"It is only ideal. As a rule, they can only last 1-3 hours," Than interrupts.

"And what happens when that period ends?" Adrian asks further.

"Sometimes a very complex virus gets into that computer, other times this code destroys itself. But with that comes the risk that it can destroy the systems necessary for a computer or other device to work," Lily finishes, throwing a knife at one of the men.

Snake grabs the knife and pierces the man's throat with it, muttering, "We have to make sure these people who came here to rebel don't get too hurt."

"Right. "Ivan doesn't know the first rule of assassins," says Lily in shock.

"What's the rule?" Irina asks, frowning.

"Injuring or killing civilians or other non-combatants is strictly prohibited when waging war among ourselves," Lily automatically replies.

"Then what should we do?" asks Ruslan thoughtfully.

"They need shelter," Snake says decisively.

"Not this mansion," says Alina hastily.

"Alina is right. It wouldn't fit many people here," says Lev, pulling the girl closer to him.

"The Snakov family has a few shelters. In case of emergencies." Snake says suddenly.

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