Desired target

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A/N The woman on the pitcure is Isis Genesis. Her character and physical description will be described more in upcoming chapters.

"No. It's not real," Shadow whispers in shock.

"What's not real?" asks a voice from the darkness.

"No. It can't be real." Shadow mutters even more quietly.

"Screw you, it's real!" a male voice yells angrily.

"Leave me alone, please!" Shadow says, angry and broken at the same time.

"I can't," says the voice, coming closer to him.

"I will close my eyes now and wish you away. And then you go too." says Shadow closing his eyes.

"Go ahead," says the voice softly.

And that's what Shadow does. She closes her eyes, secretly knowing that the voice won't actually go away. Although in the meantime it would have been nice to just think it would disappear.

The thought of oblivion seemed so pleasant that Shadow forgot for a moment that she was sitting in a dark room with a small window, chained to the wall, listening to a voice she couldn't deny. No matter how hard she tried.

But still, that voice was still there and it didn't disappear anywhere. It was still ringing in the girl's ears.

The traitor's voice. The person who had once saved the girl from certain death was sitting in the same cell as her, apparently chained to another wall, trying to talk to her.

She couldn't say anything. Not to the traitor himself, not to the small voice screaming inside her, begging for all this horror to end.

So what could he do?

Escape from Genesis Fortress is impossible. Probably not from his empire, but from his grip.

Genesis had connections all over the world. Just a flick of the finger would have been enough and people would have died faster than flies walking on the window.

"Well, did it help?" asks the voice, lightly joking.

Shadow opens her eyes again and stares into the shadows, searching for signs of the person who keeps questioning her.

"How did you get here?" the voice asks softly.

"How did you get here ?" Shadow asks back.

"I have a mission. A task," says the man, playing with his fingers.

Shadow nods quietly and asks, "How long have you been here?"

"I don't know... days or.. weeks?" the man offers quietly.

"Haven't you tried to escape?" Shadow asks, moving his hair to the side.

"You don't know?" the man asks, frowning.

"Know what?" Shadow asks, tucking his hair behind his ear.

"Genesis is selecting people to defeat his heir to the throne," the voice whispers softly.

"Let me guess. Those who do not defeat him will be executed?" asks Shadow, pulling the cape tighter around himself.

"Are you sure you haven't already fought him?" the man asks in a doubtful voice.

"Sure," says Shadow.

"Lucky you!" the man curses to himself.

Suddenly, the door flies open and a bag is pulled over the man's head, and a person in a black cape walks up behind Shadow and delivers a painful blow to Shadow's back, knocking the girl to her knees and saying, „Ты следующий." ("You're next")

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