War begins

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Than stands quietly by the wall and says, "Black bird, what the hell are you doing here with a dead man?"

Kro mutters to himself and asks, "Are you waiting for someone?"

"Your death," Than replies as he loads his gun.

"You expect me to be the death of you? Keep dreaming," answers Kro, rolling his eyes.

"Then I have a few things to tell you," Than replies, pulling out his gun.

"I have nothing to say to you," Kro answers, spreading his arms.

"You know, I'd totally believe you if you didn't have anything...or rather, someone who shouldn't be here," Than replies, putting his index finger to the trigger.

"So you know?" Kro asks.

"I know many things. You need to be a little more specific," Than answers with a half-smile.

"I can't do this! If I do that, I'll make the situation even more unpleasant," says Kro defensively.

"Even more unpleasant! Sorry man, but what the hell have you fixed here? Apart from the fact that you ran away, you have only caused all kinds of trouble for everyone! And Lily..." Than sputters venomously.

"NO! I don't want to know! I really... don't want to." Kro exclaims

"You couldn't tell her anything yourself." Than replies disgustedly, sparks falling from his eyes.

Kro looks at Than's lower brow and says, "Don't talk about things you know nothing about. I might as well tell you that you would never see him." and walks past Thani with a long stride.

Than stares at Krod for a long time and then quietly walks away, watching Nikita peering at him from behind a tree in the distance.

"I should kill you," says Nikita, coming closer to the boy.

"In the political sense, yes," agrees Than, looking away.

Nikita steps closer to him and says, "But that wouldn't be half of what you deserve."

Than chuckles to himself and mutters, "I could say the same about you."

"Excuse me?" Nikita asks, raising an eyebrow.

"You heard me," Than replies stiffly.

Nikita pulls away from him and says, "I am the rightful heir to the throne of the Assassin Empire. If I were you, I would carefully watch my words."

Than grunts in disgust and says, "I really don't care."

Nikita walks closer to him and hisses as she puts the knife to his throat, "You don't really have a choice."

Than pulls out his pistol and presses it to the girl's chest, putting his finger on the trigger and says, "Your words are already lost in the void. Just like your father. The only reason you're still alive is the Ghost Queen's wretched desire to keep you alive for herself."

"And you obeyed him?" asks Nikita, pushing her knife deeper.

Than nods and says, "I have chosen life. And the person who ensures the survival of this land and the survival of its inhabitants. It's not you, so... I have no reason to serve you. Or listen, despite everything."

"You love Me. And you know it," Nikita answers quietly.

"I could never love you, Nikita Nadege Genesis. My heart is already bound to the shadows." Than replies as he walks away.

Nikita glares at the boy, throwing the knife at him, but Than quietly bows and loudly proclaims, "You're getting weaker, heir to the throne! Give up!"

But Nikita roars at the top of her voice and slams a nearby mine against a stone lying at her feet until it explodes into the air with a loud bang and destroys everything around it.

Than takes one last look at the great stone fortress and mutters, "Give me back my girl, Satan."


Lily stands quietly under the window and stares at the cloud of dust in the distance and says, "In the end, everyone ends up like this - a thin, insignificant cloud of dust."

Lev walks up to the girl and asks, "So you're really going to do this?"

"Was that meant to be a question or a reproach?" Lily asks, frowning.

"You made the decision to go to a firefight with Nikita Nadege Genesis. I just want to make sure that you are prepared for this too," Lev answers, resting his hands on the table.

"Playing with fire is an art that many do not understand. It's almost impossible to explain," replies Lily.

"What's so impossible about it?" Lev asks, frowning.

"It's just something where you have to be completely in it yourself. Everyone experiences it differently. It's as if you designed it, a unique experience that you should experience at least once in your life," replies Lily, looking at her scarred hands.

"You still realize that you have 10 hours to decide what to do. Reading morals is not the smartest thing to do," says Lev coldly.

"The decision has been made a long time ago. I'm going Nikita Nadege against Genesis. With your gang. As we agreed," says Lily, turning to Levi.

Lev stands up and crosses his arms over his chest and asks, "And what next? Or was that your idea? To send us all to death?'

Lily walks closer to Lev and replies, "My point was to keep us all alive and destroy Nikita Nadege's Genesis Empire."

Lev grabs the girl by the wrist and leads her to the window and pushes the girl to the window and asks, "Look out the window. Do you see what's going on out there?'

Lily nods and quietly turns her head to look at him while Levi's free hand smooths back the hair that falls on her shoulder and says, "Everyone told me that going alone against the chaos is suicide. To stay with others and together we will find a solution. So... well.. I'm not much of a supplicant, but...", suddenly Lev drops to one knee in front of Lily and whispers: "... I'm begging you, Lily Black. Stay here and together we will find a solution. One way or another."

Lily shakes her head and says, "I've been told that people kneel before you, kneeling is a sign of their vow to commit themselves to you forever. And only for you. They surrender themselves to their masters and mistresses to protect them, take care of them, fight for them... and sometimes even demand that the ruler give his life for them. I realize that I have not been the best ruler. I've been doing more damage all along... but now it's helping me! I want to show my people that I am willing to give my life."

Lev nods quietly and says: "Begging is not enough for you either. No kneeling, no begging, no screaming, no guns... you're ready to walk through damnation and get out alive. You must have reached the threshold of goddess status, Lily Black. Or should I say Liliana Elizabeth Ferecci."

Lily shakes her head and says, "I'm the Queen of Ghosts. And as a queen, I have my own responsibilities to my people and to other people as well." and with that she hurries down the corridor, throwing on a black cape and running through the night forest towards the Genesis base.

Snake, who has been watching all of this from a distance, looks at Levi and asks, "Now?"

Lev nods quietly and answers dully, "Now."

Snake nods quietly and runs down the corridor to find people and give them orders.

Lev walks quietly towards Alina's room to wake the girl up, but when he gets there, the girl's bed is empty. And Lev knows.

Now he knows that the endgame of the war had truly begun, and that the game that had been played for weeks was now played.

Queen of Wendel: WarlikeWhere stories live. Discover now