Trial by fire

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Shadow stares at Kro thoughtfully, knowing that Kro can sense the fear emanating from her.

Regardless, Shadow realizes she can't make it personal. Because then the opponent has an advantage.

Kro, on the other hand, stands sloppily as if there is no competition and says, "Need a moment? I have  time."

Shadow doesn't listen to him. She quietly retreats, hiding inside her giant cape, and quietly grabs a knife blade from the inside of her boot into her hand and cuts a small wound on her hand to calm herself down with something.

Kro stares at her with a soft smile and grabs a dagger from under his jacket and moves to the edge of the shadows of the large circular donut using a siege move which was one of the first moves he taught the girl.

Shadow notices this and jumps to the corner of the opposite wall, trying to lure Kro into her territory.

Kro smiles quietly and quietly moves into the shadows, waiting for Shadow to attack.

Shadow remembers the game and whips the knife straight into the collarbone, paralyzing Kro's upper body but leaving Kro's lower body intact.

Then the girl quietly rolls behind Kro, deflecting all of Kro's attacks trying to stop Shadow from attacking her back, but Shadow is faster and whips the knife very close to the man's spine and wraps her thighs tightly around his chest and turns him face down on the ground, whipping he to the center of the arena.

Kro quietly turns onto his back and whips Shadow's stomach with his legs, about where Genesis had shot him, and watches as Shadow waits for his next move.

His body shoots from Kro's stab, but his rage keeps him standing, and Shadow whips one last angry stab across the boy's chest and sinks to his knees, exhausted.

By this point, Kro is also down on his knees and grabs a handgun from his left side and shoots Shadow in the side, causing them both to collapse exhausted.

"Tie!" is shouted across the pitch, and the crowd roars again.

The screams are furious and the people are wild, but all Shadow can hear is the humming of voices in his head.

"Наследница найдена!" is the last thing Shadow hears before collapsing. ("The heiress has been found!")

And then her eyes close.

The next morning, Lily gets up early and walks thoughtfully to Than's base.

Than turns his gaze to the weapon on his desk and says, "Black Bloom."

"I didn't expect you to be up already," mutters Lily, sitting on the couch.

"I could say the same about you, black bloom. But you even know that sleep is a value that many of us cannot afford," says Than with a smile.

"Did Electra get this mess sorted out?" Lily asks, leaning on a dusty pillow.

"As far as I know, yes," Than mutters as he adjusts the moon.

"I need to give Storm an answer," Lily says looking out the window.

"About the French?" Than asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Looks like Storm has already brought you up to speed," Lily mutters angrily.

"Actually, it's not. Your slippery sole licker, trying to convince your accountant to come to Wendel to discuss future war strategy," says Than with a grin.

"Where'd you get that?" Lily asks, frowning.

"Let's just say that all kinds of interesting things happen at night. Especially when listening to them secretly from around the corner somewhere," says Than, handing the gun to Lily.

"Fuck..." Lily mutters angrily.

"But at the end of the day, it's still your decision, black flower." Than says with a shrug.

"We're going to need every bit of help we can get when we're talking about bringing down the empire of the world's greatest assassin ruler," Lily says looking out the window.

"The question is... are you willing to risk two parts of your war plan turning against each other? Or in the worst case, against you," Than says, walking behind Lily.

"What would Shadow do?" Lily asks turning to Than.

"This isn't about her right now," Than says, stroking Lily's shoulders.

"Shadow is the only person with as much rationality as... well, you know. Who am I ready to trust with my life." says Lily, looking down.

"Me too, black flower," Than murmurs quietly.

"Would you be?" Lily asks looking at Than.

"Yeah, because I lo-" Than starts to say, but is interrupted by a gunshot from outside.

Lily turns to Than, startled, and says, "You know what to do, Than."

"For you, anything," Than says and grabs a pistol from the table.

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