Traitors among us

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„Вы уверены, что можете ей доверять?"  Irina asks as she walks towards Lev. ("Are you sure you can trust him?")

„Я бы не попросил ее прийти, если бы не доверял ей, не так ли?" asks Lev. ("I wouldn't have asked him to come if I didn't trust him, would I?")

„Я просто хочу убедиться, что ты в безопасности." says Irina to Lev, standing next to him. ("I just want to make sure you're safe.")

"Как дела у Хантера Тана?" Lev asks, walking away from Irina. ("How is Hunter Than doing?")

„Я не знаю. Почему ты спрашиваешь?" answers Irina, shrugging ("I dont know. Why do you ask?")

„Я хочу убедиться, что Виталий действительно говорил правду." says Lev, looking at Than. („I want to make sure that Vitali was really telling the truth.")

"What's up with Snake?" Than asks coming down the stairs.

"Who's Snake?" Lev asks, frowning.

"He took a new name to make it harder to recognize him," Than answers quietly.

"How do I know you're not lying?" Lev asks quietly.

"You can't. He is sneaky. One moment he can protect you, and the next he can tear you down and save you, as if he were a poisonous snake. Only those people who trust him are under his full protection, even if he doesn't show it. He is the king of the double game and a duplicitous individual who is ready to take down great leaders from everything with his infamous grin and venomous words." says Than quietly.

"You glorify him. This is not the Vitali I know. The real Vitali would never have left us!" shouts Irina angrily.

"It was the real Vitali who led him to his doom! And he probably knew that if he had stayed here, he would have been destroyed long ago. Everything he did was to protect you and his own family. It's your own fault that you couldn't understand that." Than flashes angrily.

"How do you know all this?" Lev asks angrily.

"Because I saw his demons. And his internal struggle with them." Than answers in a dark voice.

"He shouldn't have been afraid of them," Irina answers, standing next to Levi.

"He was young. And inexperienced. All he knew was how to establish himself among the mobsters. To the common people and scumbags, he was just a tall nobleman who sometimes played with street gang boys. Presumably." offers Than.

„Он Снаков. Они были величайшей мафиозной династией России. Наверное, поэтому он не мог остаться с нами. Его семья сочла бы его предателем."  says Lev looking at Irina. ("He is Snakov. They were the greatest mafia dynasty in Russia. That's probably why he couldn't stay with us. His family would consider him a traitor.")

„Поэтому он решил предать нас. Как чертовски заботливо с его стороны." Irina hisses angrily. ("So he decided to betray us. How fucking caring of him.")

Than stands up and says, "I don't understand a word you say."

"Irina is just overdramatizing," replies the young man's voice from the door, which makes everyone turn around and look at Thani's man, asking: "And who are you?"

"Ruslan," the boy answers as he walks towards Lev.

"Ruslan," the boy answers as he walks towards Lev

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