Taming through pain

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"Are you sure?" Ivan asks, looking at the short girl's hands clenched into fists.

"I don't want to believe it! But he might be right!" Nikita angrily slams her hands on the table.

"Do you want me to talk to Genesis?" Ivan asks, standing up from the edge of the bed.

"No! No, no no and again NO!" Nikita shouts angrily.

"Nadya! THAT'S ENOUGH!" Ivan yells suddenly, whipping Nikita against the wall.

Nikita looks at him in shock and asks: "What are you doing?"

Ivan swallows and says: "I won't let you do that. Genesis is acting selfishly, but... maybe he has the right to do this...?"

"He's breaking the Code!" Nikita snaps angrily.

"The Code is meaningless! Unless you're a member of a mafia gang!" Ivan shouts back.

"You told me that you work with me... That I'm the most important thing to you... What happened?" asks Nikita quietly.

"Then you don't offer me enough." Ivan shrugs his shoulders.

"I offer you the most. Even Alina hasn't gotten that much from me! But I can't offer you the whole world either. Not if Genesis makes it difficult." Nikita replies, biting her lip.

"And I'm supposed to believe your lies? While you're secretly sleeping Kro!" Ivan rains coldly.

Nikita furiously whips Ivan's face and hisses, "The only reason I'm at Kro's is to give you all of this!"

"So you've chosen the easier option then? Fornication? While I've been patiently trying to stand by you and wait for you to tell me something.. So that I can help you!" Ivan beams as he throws Nikita onto the bed.

"What are you doing?" Nikita suddenly asks.

"You will give me everything you have promised me!" the boy answers, grabbing the girl's neck.

"I am Kazmer Viktor the rightful heir to the Genesis Empire! I must be the queen of all assassins! Not just one person's," Nikita answers firmly.

"Maybe I didn't express myself clearly enough... You're mine," Ivan replies, tearing the girl's dress in half.

Nikita looks at Ivan and asks, "Yours?"

"Or do you already belong to someone else!?" Ivan gasps as he hits Nikita again.

Nikita looks fearfully at the door and asks, "What are you going to do to me?"

"You are mine. My queen. Ivan answers, tearing off his pants and placing the girl against the bed.

"Wait! I've never done this before!" Nikita shouts, looking fearfully at the boy.

"And no one will do that to you again! You can be sure," the boy whispers in his ear, and the next sounds that come from the castle walls are the boy's angry, furious roars and beating sounds. Only Nikita does not scream, even though her insides seem to be on fire. And the screams that want to be unleashed in her are more painful and pleading than ever before.

"Do you now understand who you obeyed?" Ivan asks angrily, pulling the girl by her hair.

But Nikita doesn't answer. She knows exactly what she wants to say... but the only sounds that come out of her are weak, painful moans and tears dripping onto the white, petrified bed sheet.

Just a few minutes later, when Nikita tries to answer him, the door is slammed open and Kro rushes in, yelling: "Nadja, I'm not kidding! If you want to win this war, then..." and then stops looking at Nikita lying on the ground with a pale expression and looks at Ivan and asks: "Иван, у тебя есть минутка?" ( "Ivan, do you have a minute?")

Queen of Wendel: WarlikeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora