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Adrian wearily walks through the door of the Beaumont estate as Gabriel sips from a glass of whiskey and says thoughtfully, "Look who's home."

"Je suis désolé capo," mutters Adrian as he leans back in his armchair. („I'm sorry capo.")

"Tu ferais mieux d'avoir une bonne explication," says Gabriel, placing the glass on the table. („You better have a good explanation.")

"Genesis est de retour," Adrian says anxiously, waiting for Gabriel's reaction. („Genesis is back.")

"Cet assassin slave?" Gabriel asks, frowning. („This Slavic assassin?")

Adrian nods quietly and watches as Gabriel pulls himself up and asks, "And? Let him be."

"She took Shadow under her influence, capo." Adrian says with a frown.

"Damn," Gabriel mutters angrily.

"Yeah..." Adrian mutters in shock.

"Est-ce que Snake et Storm savent?" Gabriel asks. ("Do Snake and Storm know?")

„Je pense que tout le monde chez Wendel le fait.", Adrian says even more quietly. („I think everyone in Wendel does.")

"Lily Black will raise hell when she finds out you kept it a secret from them," Gabriel mutters, burying his head in his hands.

"Shadow told me to. She said that she has  a plan," Adrian says, looking at the window.

"No one could take on Kazmer Viktor Genesis," Gabriel mutters, shaking his head.

"Besides his own daughter," says Adrian.

Gabriel looks at Adrian questioningly and Adrian sighs, "Genesis is convinced that Shadow is his missing daughter."

"We're so screwed. Because if this manipulator can win Shadow over, the whole world is doomed. Both Wendel and the rest of the world. And everything in between."

As soon as Lily and Snake and Storm reached the other room, Storm leaves the children sitting on the bed and joins them herself.

„Есть только один человек, способный запугать эту дикую девушку-убийцу." ("There is only one person who can intimidate this wild killer girl.")

„Так? Это может быть кто угодно." ütleb Lily õlgu kehitades. ("So? It could be anyone.")

"Мы оба земень, что это неправда." Snake says in a dark voice. („We both know this is not true.")

„Xотите уточнить?" Lily asks, raising an eyebrow. („Care to elaborate?")

„„Там, где встречаются тьма и свет."" says Snake. („„Where darkness and light meet"")

"Казмер Виктор Генезис," Lily mumbles barely audible. („Kazmer Viktor Genesis.")

„Точно. Величайший убийца, который также является последним представителем своей родословной."  says Snake looking at Storm. ("Exactly. The greatest assassin, who is also the last of his bloodline.")

„Блядь." mutters Lily, pacing back and forth across the room. ("F*ck.")

"Yeah, we're screwed," Snake says, sitting down on the chair.

"But why would Genesis need Shadow?" Lily mutters, shaking her head.

"Because Shadow only has a weakness. A weakness that has haunted her all her life. And what she's been hunting for her whole life," Snake says, a small green light flashing in his eyes, to which Lily angrily slams the table and hisses, "Damn it!"

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