Fight against the world

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"You're early." Lily says noticing Snake at the door of her house.

"You seemed in a hurry." Snake replies with a shrug.

"How much do you know? Regarding the current war council." Lily asks quietly, glaring at Snake.

"A little. Like almost not at all." Snake answers with a frown.

"So Storm has been hiding a lot of things from you too?" Lily asks, looking at Snake.

"All I've heard lately are Storm's silent hypotheses that she discusses to herself at night. He is now completely unaware of his opponent's movements. She schemes. Considers one and the other option. But that's all because she's not entirely sure of anything." Snake says looking at Lily.

"Loyalty has always flowed through your blood. I respect that. But lying to me won't get us anywhere in the current situation," says Lily as she walks down the window.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Snake asks, pulling away.

"The War Council hasn't even had its first meeting yet. Our ally will be late and any piece of information we might need is hidden." Lily says looking at Snake.

"You think I'm part of some elaborate double game?" Snake asks, raising an eyebrow.

"We are frauds, Vitaly Snakov. We are all strong descendants of great criminals. I am the queen of the combined Anglo-Italian mafia, you are the rightful Capo of Russia's most notorious mafia, Shadow is possibly the only daughter of Kazmer Viktor Genesis, making her the ruler of the world's most powerful assassin empire. And Storm is the daughter of Ryan Collins, who himself controlled and manipulated the most powerful mafias in the world. And Electra's parents control the largest technology and crypto-related markets in America and Asia. As far as I know, the only one of us who has had to work our way up from the bottom is Hunter Than," Lily explains quietly.

"Than went to Russia," Snake says quietly.

"Snakov mafia?" Lily asks, guessing where Snake is going with it.

"How did you know?" Snake asks a little surprised.

"Marc has done his job well," says Lily thoughtfully.

"I can see that," Snake murmurs quietly.

Lily gives Snake a questioning look and asks, "What's wrong with you?"

"He's tearing us apart. Kro is already gone. And now Shadow and Than..." Snake starts to say.

"You can go," Lily says quietly as she walks over to Ash.

"You're just going to let me go?" Snake asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I need all those who can fight against Kazmer Viktor Genesis as a united front. Otherwise, you'd be injured by now. If not dead," says Lily quietly.

"Sounds like a challenge. I'm all in." Snake says rubbing his hands together.

"Marc is fighting on my behalf. Especially after he hit on me..." Lily answers looking at Snake.

"So you don't mind if I accidentally knock him out?" Snake asks with a grin.

"It's your job. I wouldn't be upset about that," Lily replies with a dark smile.

Than stares at the big gates of the Snakov mafia.

At first glance, the large gates made of metal bars covered with moss resemble a house scene from some bad ghost movie.

Or something like the kind of house you'd imagine Salazar Slytherin living in.

Than chuckles quietly and mutters, "The legacy of the Snakovs. Some wonder Snake ran away from here."

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