The value of Lily Black's assassin

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The next morning, Shadow walks thoughtfully toward Electra's office.

The crisp morning wind caresses her face as the first keystrokes are heard on the computer keyboard.

Shadow takes a quiet step and asks, "Awake already?"

Electra turns her sleepy face toward Shadow and mutters, "Not everyone is a nocturnal animal like you, Shadow."

"I need my prisoner," Shadow says, ignoring Electra's response.

"And I need coffee. Want some? "Electra replies quietly, tapping the coffee machine.

"I'll pass," Shadow mutters as he walks away.

"Suit yourself," Electra mutters, shrugging and placing a cup of coffee on the table, but unfortunately she can't start it when Than walks angrily into Electra's office and yells, "Are you an idiot ?!"

Shadow rolls her eyes away and says, "Thank you for your time, Electra."

But Than won't let the girl go on and insists, "You're not going anywhere."

Shadow looks at Than and replies, "I wasn't really asking for your opinion."

"Shadow, you're not going to look for him!" Than says, angrily taking out his pistol.

Shadow turns to Than and says, "Again, I didn't ask."

"Still, you're here with Electra," Than says, crossing his chest.

"You said Electra knew where my prisoner was," Shadow replies, raising her eyebrow slightly.

"I told you, too, that it would be wise for you to equip yourself with a firearm to interrogate him," Than says arrogantly.

"Once again, I wasn't asking," Shadow says, walking away and throwing Than's gun on the floor.

Than picks up the gun and Electra shouts over the door, "Was there anything else?"

Than walks back to Electra and says, "Your little technical flaws .... I don't know much about your field, but they are already categorized as completely large and damaging to the device. And I can't give them to the subordinates in Lily Black's service. So, will you start all over again or fix those SMALL TECHNICAL FAULTS NOW! "

Electra pulls away, waving a small chip and muttering her hair at the crown, "Well ...I'll see what I can do."

"You have two days," Than replies angrily.

Electra sighs wearily and sits at the computer writing codes and thinking: When will anyone be happy with me?

"Where is he?" Shadow as he looks around.

"West. Temple of Doom, 2nd floor, Hell Suite. "Snake says, but Shadow is already gone.

Shadow knows enough about the casino, having healed most of her injuries there or causing them to recover. It all depends on the mood, as someone had told her.

Shadow never agreed, saying it all depends on how far you're willing to go.

And although Shadow knew he was already at the top of the mercenary tables with his name, he wanted to reach the farthest reaches of the underworld. And working for Lily Black ensured that.

Shadow walks quietly to the Hell Suite and looks at the man in front of her, who is watching her desperately, "Where am I?"

Shadow raises an eyebrow and mutters, "Are you still sure you got an electric shock?"

"Why am I here?" The man asks.

"You're in debt," Shadow says.

"Debt?" The man asks, making an innocent face

"If I were to start counting the people you promised not to kill and still kill, we would probably stay here for a while. And on top of all that, you've given Lily Black your oath as an ally, which is one of the biggest reasons you're here. Not to mention the attack by a member of the Snakov family and a series of attacks on the inhabitants of our city, "Shadow insists.

"I am just like you, little girl. I also earn a living as an assassin, "says the scared man angrily.

"Really?" Shadow muttered arrogantly.

"Oh, yes. You're not special at all, "the man mutters in response.

"Then we probably aren't the same," Shadow replies, shrugging.

"Well, what now? Do you want me to confess all my sins? "The man asks spitting.

"Do what you want. In the end, like everyone else, you end up dead. "Shadow mutters as she sits down.

And then the man sat down, confessing all his sins, describing everything in detail, starting with the Holts and Ferecci families and ending with a collapsed Egyptian mafia family, who allegedly had another young boy named Ramses to pay for his family somewhere in Asia.

"Are you done?" Shadow asks, putting the sharpened knife back on her boot.

The man grimaces quietly and asks, "Did you just hope to escape?"

Shadow doesn't stare at him, whipping the knife at the man's neck, but the next moment he discovers the knife from his chest and asks, "What are you waiting for?" That I beg for death? "

"Resist me!" The man growls angrily.

After that, Shadow turns around, and in one leap he has paralyzed both legs and mutters, "Are you going to keep yelling ?"

"You don't know who you're talking to, squeaky," he growls angrily.

"Poison. The drug dealer in Eastern Europe and the third most skillful assassin known in North America and the Asian continent, "says Shadow.

Poison looks at Shadow and mutters, "Someone's done their homework."

Shadow smiles at him and says, "Will these be your last words?"

"You're not going to kill me," Poison mutters, Shadow looks at the wounded on the floor.

But as soon as Shadow tries to get himself up, a gunfire sounds from a distance and a low male voice mutters, "He may not, but I can afford it, boy."

Shadow hardly turns to the door and notices Than getting closer to her and asks, "What did you think, shady?"

"He wasn't yours to kill," Shadow muttered angrily.

"Lily still needs you. And when you're dead, she doesn't really benefit from you, "says Than, putting smoke in his mouth.

"Lily knows my methods. And she knows what happens when I'm disturbed. "Shadow answers as she tries to stand up.

Than looks anxiously at Shadow as she tries to get up tired, but falls back to the floor and says, "You're coming with me."

"I don't need your pity," Shadow mutters, holding her wound hard.

"You are my partner. Not because I chose you, but because I don't want Lily to kill me at any cost, "says Than Shadow.

"That so..," Shadow muttered, slowly standing up.

Than nods quietly and raises Shadow and says, "You're coming with me."

Shadow nods weakly and closes her eyes , still holding on to her dagger, where the blood has fallen on her cape.

Queen of Wendel: Shadows of the FallenWhere stories live. Discover now