Safe in his arms

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When the morning comes, Irina lies quietly on a small balcony with a stone balustrade and stares at the morning sun, which faintly rises above the sky.

"You're early," Than mutters as he comes to the balcony door.

Irina quietly closes her eyes and says, "You're early."

"I've always been early. Sometimes like a curse. Or even a gift," Than answers, sitting next to Irina.

"What do you want?" Irina asks, putting her coffee cup on the floor.

"You and Lev. What's going on between you two?" Than asks without hesitation.

"I'm his right hand. It's my duty to protect Lev," answers Irina, looking at her scarred hands.

"Burn scars," Lev answers, looking at the girl's burnt hand.

"My battle scars," Irina answers, looking thoughtfully at her hands.

Than nods quietly and says, "Don't we all."

"I had to protect Levi. My job was to protect him. And that was my painful lesson, what happens when I lose my vigilance," Irina answers more quietly.

"Believe me, nobody likes to be protected against their will," says Than, looking at Irina.

"How do you know?" Irina asks, looking at Than.

"Because I ran away from it. Just as if I had a light on the stove," Than answers as he sits down.

"Where did you run away from?" Irina asks, frowning.

"Well..." Than starts to say, but is interrupted by a loud scream.

"Alina," says Irina, almost flying out of her chair.

Than nods quietly and carefully loads the gun.

„Алина, что случилось?"  Irina asks, glancing at Alina. ("Alina, what happened?")

Lev raises a small torn piece of paper above my eyes and mutters, „Он объявляет войну. На всех, кто против него." ("He declares war. On everyone who is against him.")

Lev places his hands on the table and mutters, "We need as many reinforcements as possible. War has been declared."

 Alina casts a doubtful look at Levi and says, "I should go back..."

„Ты останешься. На моей стороне." Lev answers, grabbing Alina's wrist. ("You will stay. By my side.")

Alina nods quietly and says, "Okay."

"You're on our side now," Than replies, putting his hand on the girl's shoulder.

Storm sits quietly in the car seat with Mira looking at a picture book.

Scale gives Storm a serious look and says, "Tell me again, why are you going to France?"

"They are safe there. I'm sure of it." Storm says, stroking a tired Myles head.

"Safe? Storm, there is no safe haven anywhere right now."

"According to Gabriel, it is. You'd better believe him. Knowing his temperament, it would be better to obey him." Storm answers swallowing.

"Did you share your ferocity and aggression with Mira and Myles as soon as they were born?" Scale asks as he pulls the car over to the side of the road.

"Careful," Storm says warningly.

"You need Gabriel's help. But not to shelter you. He's a part of it, Storm." Scale says looking at Storm.

"France needs him more. And after all, he can't control Adrian. Lily has more use for Adrian than Gabriel right now. And when Gabriel finds out that Adrian betrayed him... I need to hold him back. So please don't say anything," Storm explains in a whisper.

"So you're going there for your own protection as well as just to bang a bitch?" Scale asks, raising an eyebrow.

"In addition to analytics, my specialty is communication and international relations," says Storm, trying to stay as calm as possible, and then quietly adding, "And to some extent, convincing and seducing clients..."

Scale smirks to himself and says, "I don't judge you! Where are you with that!"

Storm breathes a sigh of relief and Scale quickly adds, "Just be careful."

"I always am," Storm replies with a soft smile.

Queen of Wendel: Shadows of the FallenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant