"Don't tell me to hold myself back!"

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Storm rushes towards the door with bare feet and falls to his knees as he gets through the door. Adrenaline and fear and fatigue take over him.

Franz smiles to himself and says: "Peut-être devies-vous faire plus d'exercice." („Maybe you should exercise more.")

"Non merci. Je suis assez content de mon corps tel qu'il est." Storm answers, standing up by the back of a chair. ("No thanks. I'm quite happy with my body as it is.")

"Gabriel should be here tomorrow evening," Franz answers quietly.

Storm nods quietly and says, "Game on."

"Do you need anything before I go?" Franz asks, slamming the door.

"If there are any servants here who remember me, ask them to bring my computer. That should be enough for a start. All my clothes and things should still be here." Storm answers looking around the room.

"Where do you get that everything is as it should be?" asks Franz, frowning.

"Believe me. I just know," Storm answers with a sly smile.

Alina walks restlessly down the corridor until she hears steady, heavy footsteps approaching her and stops.

"Alina, you still up?" Snake asks, rubbing the girl's shoulder.

"Vitali... I...... hmm..." mutters Alina, looking down.

Snake pulls the girl under the moonlight and stares at her under-eyes, which are gently shining, and whispers, "Алина, посмотри на меня. Пожалуйста." ("Alina, look at me. Please.")

But the girl doesn't look up, and Snake asks, "Кто сделать это с тобой? Кто заставил тебя плакать?' („Who did this to you? Who made you cry?")

„Мне страшно, Виталий. Что, если он найдет меня?" Alina asks worriedly. ("I'm scared, Vitaly. What if he finds me?")

„Вы в опасности?" Snake asks as he pulls away from the girl. ("Are you in danger?")

Alina nods quietly and says: "I had to do, Vitali. I wouldn't have lasted otherwise."

"But you escaped. That's all that matters." replies Snake watching the girl intently.

"Maybe I shouldn't have..." Alina mumbles, looking at the window.

"Why?" Snake asks as he adjusts his ring.

"Lev considers me a traitor. And Kro...." mutters Alina, looking at her bracelet.

"Wait, wait. Did you just say... Kro?" Snake asks with a frown.

"Well...he's been helping her the last time. And like it's not..." mumbles Alina, pulling herself together.

"Alina, who?" Snake asks darkly.

"You promise not to get angry?" Alina asks timidly.

Snake rolls his eyes and says, "As soon as you stop spinning, yes."

Alina quietly bites her lip and mutters, "Kazmer Viktor Genesis and Isis Genesis."

Snake huffs angrily and grabs a knife from the table and furiously slams it through the nearest dark oak door and yells, "That bastardly fucker!"

Than quietly opens the door and asks, "You do realize that some of us are trying to sleep here?"

"Alina worked for Genesis. And Kro still does!" Snake exclaims, slamming his fist into the table.

Than grabs a pistol from the table and fires it at the wall and asks, "And Shadow?"

"Shadow?" Alina asks, frowning and struggling to stand up.

"That's her screen name," Snake replies, fumbling with his hand.

"You're not thinking of Nikita Nadege Genesis?" Alina asks quietly.

"Ow, that bastard..." Snake mutters as he pushes himself against the wall.

"Well that bastard brother officially signed his death certificate." Than mutters as he reloads his gun.

Lily gives Scale a weary look and says, "To Russia, Snakov Mafia."

Scale nods and says, "Russia has recently become a real tourist magnet."

"I would never say no to a war-themed excursion in Russia," says Lily quietly.

Scale casts a worried look at Lily and asks: „Вы же понимаете, что можете не выйти из той войны живыми?" ("You do understand that you may not get out of that war alive?")

„Поверьте мне. Это стоит того." replies Lily. ("Trust me. It's worth it.")

"Только когда ты вернешься живым." Scale answers quietly. ("Only when you return alive.")

"My life is up to me, Scale. I put it on stake every single day. I understand what I have gotten myself into. And even dead... I'd be happy with the decision I made. Because then I'll die knowing that I was able to make my teammates more united one last time." Lily answers looking at Scale.

"And Shadow? What happens if she went to your enemy? Do you consider him a traitor?" Scale asks, clutching the steering wheel tighter.

"You can't consider someone you sent away to be a traitor. Even if it's only temporary." Lily replies spreading her arms.

Scale nods quietly and mutters, "Snakov mafia?"

Lily nods quietly and Scale shifts the gear lever and says with a smirk, "Hold on tight, Lily. I'm not holding back anymore."

"If I held back, Genesis wouldn't need to wreak so much chaos" Lily mutters quietly.

Queen of Wendel: WarlikeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz