Chapter112:Can't Control It

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"My name is Cole and I am addicted to drugs and alcohol. He said.

"Do you want to tell us about how you got into this addiction?"

Cole sighed and mentally rolled his eyes.

He didn't want to talk about it but since he is here, he going to have to say it.

"It is a long story on how I got into it but let's just say I was sixteen and I was kinda you know feeling down like I had a lot of things going on in my mind."

"Like what?" The therapist asked.

"Just some things that's all but anyway I went to a party yeah an underage party that my parents never knew about and there were drugs there like a lot of illegal drugs."  Cole said.

"Anyway I was depressed at that time feeling like I didn't want to belong here anymore so I decided to drink and took the amount of drugs which I am still surprised that I am still alive." He also added.

"That night I was driving after leaving that party drunk and wasted , I thought that I would drive perfectly normal but then........"  Cole said before choking on his words.

"But then I crashed into a tree and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital and I didn't have no injuries on me or any  brain damage so I was fine when they did all the scans and checkup."

The only person that knew about this was Uncle Julio and Cole promised him not to tell anyone including his mom about the incident because he knows that his parents would be worried about him.

That day, he lied to say that he went to the library and  decided to stay at his uncle's place but to be honest he feel like his parents already knows about it and if they did then he is feeling a lot of guilt knowing that he always keep things from them.

Cole chuckled. "All those years until I turned eighteen, I became highly addicted to it because I couldn't stop and wanted to get rid of the pain but I really regret doing that stuffs even though I can't stop at all."

"I know people would tell me if I ever thought committing suicide well I almost did when I tried to overdose  couple months ago but I am somehow still here on earth ." Cole said.

Cole sighed and took a couple of deep breath. "I have a great family and they want to help me but the thing is I don't really want their help even though I seriously need to."

He knows that most people would think that it is his parent's fault that he is like this but it is not since he can't control his own fate and the aspects of it.

So right now he is gonna deal with it and see how his life goes.

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