Chapter13: Hard Decisions

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It was now July 30th since the last time Cole talked to Roger and he was still having his thoughts about if he should sign to CrossKnights or not.

Also, it been weeks since he talked to Maddie and the only time, he did was she needed his uncle's number  to talk about the abuse that she been dealing with from her dad but after that they stopped talking even though they will probably get back together.


"I do care about my artists same for the money and the fame too but everything else that he said to you are not true." Roger said.

"How am I going to believe everything that you just fucking said to me when there are two sides to this fucking story." Cole said

"He is a manipulative person that can't be trusted but yet somehow have people signed to his record company." He said.

"And I should trust you?"

"I am not that crazy about fame or money but at least I am not manipulative."

"At least I know what my decision would be."

"And that will be?" Roger said with a concerned look

"That is the thing I don't want know what my decision will be and besides I am trying to make it as my own just not people only knowing me because of my dad."

Flashback ended

Cole was playing pool at a bar until Ryan approached him.

"Hey Cole." Ryan said

"Hey what are you doing here?" Cole said as he drank his beer.

"I was looking for you because I needed to tell you something but you didn't answered your phone and I knew you would be here." Ryan said

"Yeah I turned my phone off for a reason but anyway what did you want to tell me?"

Haven't been on my phone for an while because I am trying to avoid people even though people are sick of me doing this shit because they know what it would lead to.......

"My mom is planning to divorce my dad and he got arrested last week so his trial is on the second of August."Ryan said.

"That is great."

"Yeah it is and-"

"If you are about to mention her name please don't."

"I wasn't at all but I am really tired of y'all on and off relationship." Ryan said as he chuckled.

"Who isn't and beside it is not my fault that we always have stupid arguments that always lead to us having an off and on relationship which it is not even fucking healthy."

" I know Maddie is my sister and you are my best friend but I can't choose between both of you two so I am staying out of this mess."

"Yeah you should but I am trying to fix it."

"And how is that working out ?" Ryan questioned and Cole sighed.

"Horrible but you know what I don't give a fuck anymore and I am tired of waiting." He said.


"Is Cole okay, he keep staring at me like he want to bite my head off." Justin said as he whispered to Sammy.

"He is in a bad mood even though he is always like this." Sammy said.

"Wow nice observation Sammy." Cole said as he rolled his eyes and took a bite of his taco then drank his root beer while staring at the waitress that was standing next to a table behind Justin.

"What are you staring at?" Justin said with a concerned look.

"That waitress." He said.

Justin looked back at the waitress that was pouring waters in cups for the table that she was at then Cole rolled his eyes at him.

"Aren't you on a break?" Sammy asked.

"I am not planning to fuck the waitress if that what you are asking me and I am not Ross from 'Friends'. "Cole said in a low quiet voice so no one could hear him except his two cousins.

"Also, I don't really care what Maddie thinks anyway, all she want is this great ass future of being married, having perfect kids which I don't know if I want any and living in an house with a white picket fence. Ah yes let's live the American dream everybody. "He fired back.

"I mean who wouldn't want that?" Sammy said.

"Some people who thinks their life is all that fucking perfect." Justin said. "And I mean it will always backfire at them when some bullshit happens." He also added.

"You are not wrong about that." Sammy said.


"Hey are you Cole right?" Cole looked at the person that was talking at him.

A curly black but kind of look little bit straight haired guy with freckles and amber eyes whose skin looked tannish pink or yellow. Also looked like he could be eighteen but actually is nineteen .

"Yeah, um who are you?" He asked.

"I am Blake and I saw you couple weeks ago talking to Roger Steele at the lobby when he was talking to me." Blake said.

"Okay well nice to meet you kid." Cole said.

"I am not a kid and just looking at you, I am like two well almost one year younger than you." Blake said while he chuckled and being a little bit nervous.

"How old are you?" Cole questioned while looking at Blake who doesn't seem that slightly taller than him.

"I am nineteen but I will be twenty in August." Blake said

"Okay and how did you know I was going to be here?" He asked

They were standing outside of the CrossKnights building.

"I didn't because I am always here sometimes but then I saw you, so I decided to talk to you. "Blake said. "But what are you doing here like are you thinking about you know?" He also added.

"Yeah, I am signing here but it was a hard and long decision to make so let's just hope I don't hope I don't regret it." Cole said.

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