Chapter75:Birthday Trip Part Four

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Later in the afternoon, Cole was in his hotel room looking at the engagement ring that he brought and the fact that he was actually planning to do it.

S/N:The thanksgiving chapter is gonna have a lot of dramatic parts but anyway back to the story.

He wished his dad was here to see this but then realized what he might say to him but Cole knows that he would be proud of him right?.

The door was heard and Cole immediately put the ring in his pockets.

"Hey what was that?" Maddie asked.

Cole rubbed his neck nervously. " It was nothing don't worry about it." He said.

"Okay if you say so but-"

Cole's phone buzzed and he took it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Hola abuela ¿cómo estás?." Cole said.(Translation: Hi grandma how are you?")

"Soy bueno y ¿desde cuándo está bien dejar de hablar más con tu abuela?" Abuela questioned. (Translation: I am good and since when is it oksy to stop to talking to your grandmother anymore?)

Cole chuckled at his Abuela's words. "Hablamos por teléfono hace un par de días, incluso en mi cumpleaños, ¿no?" (Translation: We talked on the phone couple days ago even on my birthday didn't we?)

"Sabes que un chequeo podría estar bien, pero lo que sea."  (Translated: You know a checkup could be fine but whatever.)

"Allora perché hai chiamato la nonna?" Cole asked while switching to another language.

"Passare all'italiano ora va bene e sono contento che i tuoi genitori ti abbiano insegnato a parlare nella tua lingua madre."  Abuela said. (Translated: Switching to Italian now okay and I am glad your parents taught you how to speak in your native languages.)

"Mi hai insegnato anche lo stesso per i miei fratelli e inoltre hai detto che se non l'avessimo parlato ci avresti gettati alle capre, ma ad essere onesti penso che il nonno avrebbe fatto qualcosa di peggio." Cole said. (Translation: You taught me as well too same for my siblings and besides you said if we didn't speak it then you would thrown us to the goats but to be honest I think grandpa would have done something worse.)

"Esattamente e cosa penseresti che Frederick avrebbe fatto?" (Translated: Exactly and what would you think that Frederick would had done?)

"Penso che tu conosca la nonna." (Translated: I think you know Grandma.)

After a long conversation with his grandmother, he said his goodbyes and promises that he will call her more.

"You really have a great relationship with your grandparents." Maddie said.

"Yeah exempt one died before I was born and the other one is a absent grandmother to me so yeah." Cole said.

"Anyway my Abuela asked about you." Cole also asked.

"What did she say?" Maddie asked.

"She just asked how are you doing that's all." Cole said.

Cole didn't want to tell Maddie that his grandma wanted to know when his 'toxic ' relationship will be over and other things as well. Also sometimes he wonder to himself all the time if his family really like Maddie or just pretending to even though he told them the problem that he was having with Maddie.

October 28th

The next day everyone was packing up their stuffs because it was time to leave.

"Man I wish we didn't have to leave." Jonathan said.

"You know we can leave you here right and tell our parents that you-"

"Shut  the fuck up Justin." Jonathan said after rolling his eyes.

"Hey Cole are you riding with us to the airport or going with your girlfriend?" Sammy asked.

"You know what he is going to do Sammy and what is wrong with that?" James said.

"Nothing I know but at least I don't have to hear them arguing all the fucking time." Sammy said.

"Hey we don't argue all the time." Cole said.

"Yes you do Cole." Madison said.

"Okay maybe we do a lot but we can't help it."

"The fact that you can't help it just making us know that this isn't healthy." James said.

"Yeah what he said." Justin said.

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