Chapter50:Can Feel It

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"I have been having this nightmare and I feel like it is going to come true." Cole said.

"What was it about?" Lianni asked.

"Having an overdose and Justin seeing me unresponsive on my bed." Cole said.

"Do you know what else happened?"  Lianni questioned.

"I don't know if I survived or died." Cole said.

"Not every nightmares come true so don't worry about it and relax there is ways for you to prevent it from happening."Lianni said.

"Like what?" Cole asked.

"Well we don't know what would you cause you to overdose but Cole let me honest with you and this is serious because I know you.  I know you are you depressed and feeling anxious all the time but drugs and alcohol are the not right solution to solve your problems so please quit and get help even I know you don't want any help just please get some help." Lianni said.

"I need people to stop saying that because it is so annoying and it is really hard to quit." Cole said.

"Yeah I know it is hard to quit snd besides you really need to stop talking about death because you are really getting me worried right now." Lianni said.

"I barely said anything about harming myself." Cole said.

"I know but I just  can sense it from you and your body language shows otherwise."

Cole rolled his eyes. "Of course it does.'


"I got an question,if me and Maddie somehow break up would we still be friends?" Cole asked while eating barbecue chips.

"Yeah we will still be friends but are you planning to you know?" Ryan questioned.

"No I am just wondering because we are friends and I don't want to lose our friendship if something happened."

"I feel like if we stayed as a friends, Maddie might be mad at me for it."Ryan said.

"Really for that?" Cole asked.

"I don't know I just can feel it for some reason." Ryan said.

"I think she would understand and besides it is not like our relationship is going good anyway so what is the point anyway." Cole said.

"Cole sometimes I don't get why you and Maddie are still together, it is just so stressful because all you guys do is fight, break up and get back together like it is not of my business  but I feel like you guys should just stop dating each other even though it look like one of you don't feel the same for each other anymore." Ryan said.

"Who?" Cole asked.

"I don't know but-"

The doorbell rang and Ryan got up to open the front door.

"Hey babe you are back from your trip." Ryan said planting a kiss on his boyfriend's cheeks.

"Yeah it was a crazy trip." Oliver said.

Cole got up from the couch and walked to the front door.

"So this is the infamous Oliver that you told me about." Cole said while smirking.

Ryan blushed.  " So babe I didn't  know  they you talk about me to all of your friends?" Oliver said.

"Yeah you really are special to me." Ryan said.

Oliver smiled and put his hand forward for Cole to shake.

"I am Oliver and you are?"

Oliver look like type of guy that you would find annoying or somehow unique but have interesting taste.

The Irish accent,the red  curly hair, freckles and green eyes with  the olive skin complexion.  Cole was surprised to find out that Ryan have some good taste in men.

"I am Cole nice to meet you." Cole said shaking Oliver's hand.

Cole don't like shaking  his hands or anyone hugging   him unless it is his family and friends because he doesn't trust people a lot but somehow he see something different in Oliver like he can trust him even though he is not entirely sure especially for a guy that likes to travel a lot.

"Nice to meet you Cole." Oliver said.

Ryan chuckled. "I can't believe Cole shakes your hand and he doesn't trust people or like them at all."

Cole rolled eyes at Ryan.

"What? I am right you know."

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