Chapter38: Couple Therapy

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"Actually no he is in denial." Sammy said.

"I am not alright and beside to be honest I just don't see a future with her." Cole said.

"I feel like there is some people that would actually make admit that he doesn't love her anymore and the fact that he is not happy."  Gabriella questioned.

"People can try but it will never happen." Cole said.

"It probably happened." Justin said.

"Okay name who?"

"Aunt Chandler, your mom, probably Grandpa well he might do something to make you say it and there are other people as well." Sammy said.

"Grandpa could throw a knife at me and I will probably admit it." Cole said.

"Cole you know you are scared of him." Sammy said.

"I am not and besides me and him always joke a lot about it even though sometimes I feel like he is serious."

"You think?" Jonathan asked.

"Yes for real because his facial expressions is really something." Cole said 

"But you are not wrong about aunt Chandler, we were talking last week  because of a meltdown I had and I kinda admitted to her that I don't love Maddie anymore which I need to think about if I should end it or still stay with her." He added.

"I am starting to think we should cancel the bet because this is so fucking complicated." Justin said

"I know right." Jonathan said.

Cole rolled his eyes. "You guys act like I am the only one that have a problem and I mean Sammy you hate your step father and can't even stay in a long term relationship because of your parents divorce and Gabriella you got to stop listening to dumbass people in the modeling agency that you are in before you starve your ass to death." Cole said.

"Also Justin ad Jonathan you guys are fine because I really have nothing on y'all  even Justin can be a little annoying sometimes."


"What? It is true."

One week later

"I can't believe we are doing this." Cole said while sitting impatiently waiting for the therapist.

"It was your idea." Maddie said

"Know what Maddie I don't really have time for this alright and I am trying to have to fix our relationship but you are acting like a bitch right now." Cole said

"Don't ever call me that again. Maddie said.

"Hi sorry are you guys ready or am I interrupting something?" The therapist said.

"No you are not Miss....."

"Ms.Wilcox and I am gonna be your guys therapist so would you mind walking into my office. The therapist said with a nice smile across her face.

Cole rolled his eyes and then walked inside the office with Maddie and the therapist.

"So you two seems like a nice couple but tell me what is causing the problems in your relationship?"

The fact Cole want to lie so hard but he couldn't, honestly he didn't want to be here and the fact he had to pretend that he is still in love with Maddie is so exhausting and dramatic.

He doesn't want to lead her on but he is trying to make this unhealthy relationship work but it is hard for him.

Cole who is almost twenty in October thinking about his life and the decisions that he is making know what consequences might happen if he doesn't fix it right.

"Cole do you agree with her?"  Ms.Wilcox asked.

Cole snapped out of his thoughts and was confused about what she was talking about.

"Agree with what?" Cole asked.

"That your relationship needs to be taken seriously in order to work."

Cole chuckled and then laughed.

"Oh you are serious okay to be honest with you, I have never in my life I have had a serious relationship. " Cole said.

"You know people who are in horrible relationships often have seen their parents relationship become horrible which honestly ends up in a divorce."

"My parents been happily married with five kids and they were really in love with each other so I never had that problem."

"Are your parents still together?"

"No my dad died two years ago but my mom never remarried which I am happy about it because I know she still love my dad and would never replace the love she had for him." Cole said calmly.

"Do you ever want a relationship like them?"

Cole looked at the therapist and Maddie who were waiting for his answer and he sighed.

"Yeah I do be honest but I feel like it have to be with the right girl and the one I can be in the future with." Cole said knowing he just said that front of Maddie but he doesn't care at all.

"And you think Maddie is not the person you want to be with forever?"

"I don't know honestly."

"But you just said that-"

"Yeah but my mind can change sometimes."


"Hi Mom." Cole said as he walked into his parent's home.

"Hi Cole what's wrong?" Mom asked.

"Nothing just tired." Cole said.

"What did you do today."

"Went to couple therapy that's all."

"And how was that?"

Cole knows that his mom hates Maddie or any girls that he brings home.

To be honest she doesn't really hate  Maddie, it just because of the age or how their relationship is even though Cole is making it worse.

He knows  that she want someone that can make him happy and also hope that Cole can treat a woman even though that will never happen because how he is.

"It was fine and besides I really have a lot of concerns about my relationship though." Cole said.

"Like what?"

The front door was heard open and the sound of two voices was heard.

"I can't believe her like what did I do to you for you to give me detention for two days." Marcus fired back while taking his shoes off in the hallways.

"Did you do a prank on her and Marcus you know this is your last year in eight grade so why you can't just stop getting in trouble before you know held back." Jefferson said.

"School is boring Jefferson."Marcus said.

"True but go wash up and do your homework before dinner is ready."  Jefferson said.

"Hi Mom." Marcus said  before  going upstairs and heading straight to the bathroom.

"Hi honey." Mom said

"What happened?" Mom asked.

"School trouble but it was nothing serious or harmful." Jefferson said.

"Really?"  Cole asked.

"Yes for real."

"Okay and Jefferson did you order the cake and the catering for Sunday?" Mom asked.

"Yes I did Ma'm and I will pick it up by Saturday but the food and everything will be here on Sunday afternoon.

"Okay thank you."

Cole was about to ask what was going on Sunday until he realized it was his brother's birthday which he almost forgot about.

"Marcus is having a birthday party this Sunday?" Cole asked.

"Yeah he is and you can come if you have no plans on that day."

"Yeah I am coming and I would never miss my  little brother's birthday."

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