Chapter39:Therapist Talks

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"So what do you know about your partner?" Ms.Wilcox asked.

It was now Friday and they have been going to the therapist since Monday. Cole was thinking of not going because how useless it is but decided to keep going to it for Maddie.

"Why wouldn't I know what she likes or what her favorite color is that is just crazy." Cole said while chuckling

"When is Maddie's birthday?" Ms. Wilcox asked.

"Um June twelfth I think?" Cole questioned.

"Maddie when is your birthday?"

"July fourteen." Maddie said and Cole mentally rolled his eyes.

"Okay Maddie when is Cole's birthday?"

"October 24th."

"Cole what is Maddie's favorite color?"

"Purple know what where are we going with this because the fact you making it sound like I don't know a lot about her." Cole said.

"You don't actually Cole."

"So what Maddie and besides it is not like you know everything about me and I mean of course everybody knows that my birthday is on the twenty-fourth but you don't know everything."

"Ask me anything."

"What is my favorite song?"

"You don't have a favorite song and you like every type of music except for country."

"Yeah that is true."

Couple minutes later.....

"I see she knows a lot about you than you know about her and how long you guys have been dating?" Ms. Wilcox asked.

"It been on and off so I don't remember how long it been." Cole said.

"I think I know the problem is okay, Cole have commitment issues and doesn't want anything serious but Maddie here want a serious relationship and would like to have a family one day."

Cole thought of the word 'marriage' for an minute to see what his life would be if he ever planned to marry Maddie and have kids with her but he couldn't just see it.

"Cole there is a reason why I want to talk to you alone because I was wondering if your parent's relationship were good and healthy then how is your relationship is more unhealthy." Ms. Wilcox said.

"What do you want to know?" Cole asked.

"Is there anyone in your family or someone that you knows that was in a bad relationship?" Ms.Wilcox asked.

"One bad relationship that I know  was my grandfather and pretty much what he told me that it was super toxic that he had to ended it."

S/N:Y'all need to know that Frederick didn't tell Cole the whole story about his past.

"Is there anyone else?"

"Nope Some of them are all in good terms and doing great as coparents."

"That is good and do you have a great relationship with them?"

"Yeah I do and they are like family to me well some of them since they are blood related but the others well you know what I mean."

"Yeah I know what you mean and Cole there is a lot about you that I can't figure out like there is a good side of you and there is a bad side of you."

"Wow that is just crazy honestly but I mostly don't like people a lot except for the people I know."

"Mhm I get that."

Cole rolled his eyes and wonder she is writing in that notebook of hers.


"You know it been two months since he passed and I know you are still mourning which I understand but you got to remember you have kids and you have to be strong for them." Julio said

"You don't think I am trying?" Mom said.

Julio poured some bourbon in two glasses and gave one of them to his sister.

Cole was leaning against the door and eavesdropping to their conversation.

"Maria I know you are trying but  I hate seeing my sister like this and you know Frankie-

A loud noise was heard and Cole picked up a vase that was about to break but it didn't.

"Did you need something Cole?" Mom asked.

"Um no not at all Mom I was just wandering around the house bored." Cole said.


"Mom are you okay?"

"Yeah I am fine sweetie."

"Well I am about to go to my friend's house so i will be back before dinner time."

"What friends?" Julio said.

Cole rolled his eyes. "I do have friends uncle."

"Really because you have told me many times that you hate people."

"Well that is true but I don't hate everyone."

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