Chapter2:Let's Talk

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A/N:The image was supposed to be a gif but Wattpad want to act up sometimes 🙄

The next day Cole was outside of his mom's house deciding if he should go inside or not. He haven't been here since he moved out and the house reminds him of his father.

He took a cigarette out and light it then put it in his mouth. He took two puffs of it and let the smoke fill the car.

After he was done, he got out of the car and threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it

He walked to the the front door and was about to press the doorbell until someone opened it.

"You know I was waiting to see how long it will takes you to get out of the car and walk to the front door,"Jefferson said. 

Jefferson  is the family's butler and been with them ever since Cole's parents hired him.  Cole and his brothers love mess with him a lot and always feel like a guardian to them.

"Well I had to do something in the car." Cole said as he entered the house

"Like smoking a cigarette?"

"Well I could be doing anything in that car."

Jefferson scoffed. "Yeah right."

"Mom are you home?"

"She is in the dining room."Jefferson said


Cole walked into the dining room and see his twelve or thirteen years old brother eating a sandwic and his mom working on something on her laptop.

"Marcus what are you eating?"

"A turkey sandwich, what do you think?" Marcus said as he rolled his eyes and went back to eat his sandwich.

"Marcus I would not hesitate to slap the shit out of you right now." 

"No cussing in this house," Mom said as she looked up from the laptop and looked at Cole then smiled

"Cole let's talk in the kitchen for a minute."

"Okay Mom"

As they walked into the kitchen,Cole leaned on the counter while his mom was getting something out of the fridge.

"Are you hungry?"

"N- Actually yeah I am hungry"

He really wasn't hungry but he couldn't say no to her even though she can sense that is something is wrong with him and barely eat a lot.

"You know as your mother, you can tell me anything right?"

He watched her grabbed a plate and put some leftover chicken enchiladas on the plate then put it in the microwave to heat it up.

"Yeah I know but I don't really want to talk about it."

"I am really concerned about you and I don't like seeing you like this."

Cole stared at his mom and then sighed.

"I am fine, there is nothing to be concerned about anyway."

The microwave beeps to let it know that it was done and his mom took the food out of the microwave and gave it to him.   Cole grabbed a fork and took a bite of the enchiladas.

"To be honest I am the still the same person that you gave birth to."   Cole chuckled while trying to ignore the  conversation that he and his mom was having.

"If you don't want to talk about it that's fine, just tell me when you are ready." She sighed

"Mom I know what I am doing is going to mess my life up or worse dead."

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